Hail, I come in peace!

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Hail, I come in peace!

Post by Underdog » Thu Jun 28, 2007 11:21 pm

Hello everyone!

I thought I'd just introduce myself here. But first of all it would perhaps be best to straighten something out. I'm unknown to most of you but there are a certain few who knew I would make contact. For some reason I can't understand, one of more of these people are spreading malicious rumours about me. So to make sure that these rumours don't become an obstacle as I try to make friends with FIS, I really hope I can convince the rest of you here that they are completely unfounded and only intended to tarnish my name.

So who am I? I'm Swedish. 30+ (it sounds better that way). Haven't flown IL-2 for very long and whatever progress I have made so far will be lost for the next week to come or so, since I just installed TIR4 and have to get used to it. (By the way, if there is anyone who is good at calibrating a TrackClip PRO I would be eternally grateful for some advice - I gave up and bought a silly Yankees cap today to use the standard clip instead.) Sure, I have played the occasional flight sim before, a little CFS etc, but IL-2 is a different ball game. I do have a few other games under my belt though, digital ones since Pong, online team oriented ones since Quake back in '96. Hell, I even worked as a game journalist for a couple of years and breathed games at the time. Another sad old game junkie, in other words.

Anyway, if possible, it would be fun to maybe fly with you some time. I could use someone to fly with to make the IL-2 experience more fun. You will find me useful. I'm very good as a decoy for example. Find me and you'll find the Hun. Just peel them off my tail, but be quick about it please.

Now concerning those rumours. They are completely ridiculous IMHO. According to these damn liars the story I just gave you would be nothing more than a bad cover, that my real intentions is simply to try to infiltrate FIS in order to solidify my supremacy and destroy the Allies from within, by e.g. making confusing tyre track S's on your runways, stress testing your aircraft pool in stalls and near supersonic dives, or bending perfectly fine propellers into imaginative shapes. But this is NOT TRUE! I'm not an infiltrator! My intentions are good, I swear. And I have never broken a landing gear in my life either. Not even once. And even if I had, it was entirely unintentional. And that's the truth.

Don't believe the lies, people. I'm a good guy. Really.

Yours truly,

Adenoid 'Underdog' Hynkel

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Post by :FI:Sneaky_Russian » Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:07 am

I dont believe a word of it, what rumours?

Come on own up,it's you on a wind-up isn't it Altar Boy ? :badgrin:

welcome anyway

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Post by Deathsledge » Fri Jun 29, 2007 3:40 am

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Post by :FI:Scott » Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:41 am

Sneakys right, come on AB we know its you.

Track clip Pro.
Assuming you have set up the clip in the sotware You might want to try moving the trackir itself up onto the top of your monitor if it isn't there already. Mine worked perfectly on the same shelf as my monitor when I was using a track hat but not at all when I moved over to the clip. When I put it on top of the monitor all was well. Only other thing I can suggest is that you try another profile on exclusive load. 'Combat Flight' is a stable allrounder.
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Post by :FI:Nellip » Fri Jun 29, 2007 10:18 am

Lets get him on Teamspeak - if he speaks with a Trinidad accent we will know its AB :lol: Come to that if he actually flies with us we will know he isn't AB :lol:

On the basis that he isn't AB, welcome to the boards.
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Post by Skipper » Fri Jun 29, 2007 10:29 am

Welcome to the boards mate ^:)

Let it be known though...Falcon has a nose for sniffing out moles....or ferrets ;)
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Post by Underdog » Fri Jun 29, 2007 12:13 pm

Thank you for the warm although somewhat confused welcome. Tomania... err I mean Sweden, will not forget. I see that you gentlemen are not like Fa... those bad people I spoke about earlier.

About TIR and the TrackClip Pro, I'm thinking I run into some problems with assymetry. You know, the clip is on the left side of the headset, so when I turn my head right it gets closer to the sensor, and turning left it gets farther away. Apparently that is not a problem for others but it is for me. I haven't been able to find a good curve for right side yaw yet.

Also there is some weird pitch component to it. If I turn right, the view tends to accelerate fast AND drop. I end up watching the right corner of the seat even if I try to sit straight, keep the clip straight and all. Whereas looking left works fine. And I can't compensate that with lower negative pitch acceleration, because then I can't easily look down on the instruments. The sensor sits on top of screen, at clip height, and I have tried having it both dead center of screen and to the left, in line with the clip.

Also, it seems like the view gets "sticky" when at max in either direction (left, right, up, down). It resists a little when I try to move the head back to gunsight. But this is only using the addon clip. When using the standard hat clip, that I didn't have to pay extra for, it works so much better in comparison that I haven't really bothered to fine tune it much yet. It's just that it would be nice to play without a warm hat indoors in the summer.
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Post by Nightcat » Fri Jun 29, 2007 2:56 pm

What an odd person, you should fit right in lol

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Post by :FI:Sneaky_Russian » Fri Jun 29, 2007 3:00 pm

You might find this thread helpful, its what I'm using, though maybe defeats the object of having the fancy clip. Some £00.23 IR emitting diodes fixed to your cap would probably be quite effective too.

Failing that always smoke a big cigar when flying.

T_O_A_D TIR fix @ Ubizoo

"The marksman hitteth the target partly by pulling, partly by letting go. The boatsman reacheth the landing partly by pulling, partly by letting go." (Egyptian proverb)
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Post by :FI:RULES » Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:54 pm

:shock: Not another Swede.......Just kiding....
välkomen till dårhuset, och lyckatill...Du kommer alldrig att bli dig själv igen!

För att flyga på nätet under avslappnade förhållanden och utan en massa högtravande ambitioner på att vara en "riktig" skvadron, så fyller FI alla krav på att tillgodose en avslappnad och humoristisk syn på vad andra världskriget borde ha varit!

Vi gillar att ha kul och att bli brinnande vrak på landbacken ;)

Synd att Rabitski har lagt IL-2 på is, för han var det lättaste målet...så du får helt enkelt kolla om Mikster eller Gadje eller någon annan av soporna här fyller kravet på enkla "kill´s"....
P.S full som en spruta, så alla påståenden dementeras imorgon ;)
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Post by Underdog » Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:35 pm

Jaha, det var ju synd att ni fått ont om enkla kills. Det är inte gott om dem. Fast jag hittade en sådan, eller om det t o m var två skilda individer, igår på Z vs W, som gav den för mig rekordartade k:d ration 1. Jag var så lycklig!

As to not make others feel left out, the context is RULES accidentally discovered we both have a passion in common. Below, in a somewhat shortened translation of my Swedish post above, I reply to a question of his concerning our mutal hobby/historical interest.

I congratulate you on your find! It is a real Dorset button you came across. Such a rarity these days! And they have such an interesting history too. You know, button making was practiced in Dorset cottages for centuries but can only really be described as an industry after Abraham Case of Shaftesbury placed it on a more business like footing during the reign of Queen Anne. The cottage industry reached its peak during the 18th and 19th centuries. Initially the buttons were made from a disc of the horn of Dorset Sheep. The disk was covered with a piece of cloth and then overworked with a fine tracery of linen thread. The diameter of the buttons ranging from half an inch down to an unbelievable eighth of an inch. Twenty years later there was a revolution in the button making industry when Abraham Case’s grandson started importing metal rings from Birmingham to use as the base for the buttons instead of horn. They were far easier to work with - and cheaper. Combined with the ready supply of labour the industry now spread out in all directions, reaching as far south as Bere Regis. The centre of the button making industry was to move from Shaftesbury to Blandford Forum, when, after the fire of 1731, a Mr. Robert Fisher opened a Button Depot at his drapers shop in Market Place, Blandford. The out-workers could bring or send their completed buttons at any time; and the depot was regularly visited by travelers who bought them in bulk. Cloth covered buttons were sold at between eight-pence and three shillings a dozen, while the women workers averaged about two shillings a day for making approximately six or seven dozen buttons, compared with the nine-pence a day they might expect from farm-work, the only real alternative for these women. Although it was a major factor, it wasn’t just the money that attracted so many women to this cottage based industry. There were many other advantages. Working indoors was always preferable to being out in the fields in all weathers. It enabled women to be at home to look after the family whilst still retaining an income. Apart from the direct benefits, there was at least one indirect benefit that was very important when money was tight. Their clothes and particularly their shoes, didn’t wear out at anything like the rate they did when worn in the fields in all weathers. It was therefore no surprise that poorer women flocked to join in this new cottage industry. The industry thrived throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, still run primarily by the Fisher family of Blandford. Many families lived in relative comfort, and were able to survive the loss of the male breadwinner, something that had been very difficult in previous times.
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Post by :FI:Sneaky_Russian » Sun Jul 01, 2007 12:19 am

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Post by :FI:RULES » Sun Jul 01, 2007 4:46 am

:lol: And next topic will be wainscoating
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Post by Nightcat » Sun Jul 01, 2007 11:03 pm

Whats wrong with my coat?
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Post by Underdog » Mon Jul 02, 2007 10:57 am

Wainscoting? That's easy. Feel free to follow along my step-by-step instructions. :awkward:

http://www.alltombostad.se/Bygg/_Artikl ... l_pa_vagg/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

bröstpanel = wainscot, or literally 'breast panel' :shock:
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