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Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:25 pm
by :FI:Falcon
So who's goin' tuh Sturgis ... South?



Matt, your daughter doesn't really need her bicycle ALL weekend, does she?

Any one?


Fal "Vroom-Vroom" con


Re: Sturgis

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 2:49 am
by :FI:WillieOFS
Sorry Stu,

I don't do "trailer week" in Stoogis.

Beautiful country up there. Ride up there and rattle around and enjoy the hospitality and the scenery BEFORE the clowns get there.

Trust me on this one. ;)

Oh, BTW. I'm a WING-nut now. I inherited a '79 Honda Gold Wing.... :oops:

It's been stripped and looks like a cafe racer that spent too much time at the table. :lol:

Now all I have to do is find all my metric wrenches. :roll: And learn to curse in Japanese. :badgrin:

Edit: Guess I should have read the link. LOL Not goin to MS either. Large crowds of weekend riders scare the HELL out me.

Re: Sturgis

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2010 6:37 am
by :FI:Noter
Yeah, just what I need, getting my ass kicked by a bunch of bikers for tooling around on my Schwinn wearing a bicycle helmet. Think I'll pass on that one. Plus I'm still saving in hopes of the new pc. But thanks for the invite.

What we need is a U.S. member trip, sorry, North American member trip. Something similar to the England get together. Thinking Vegas, when Nellis is having an air show. Get some golf in maybe. Cheap enough hotels, food, and airfare, plus no rain worries. Or we could all meet at the Falcon Estate, say mid August, then we can all experience true heat and humidity, see how long it takes for our Canadian brethren to melt. I'm sure everyone would be ok sharing a bunk space with a ferret ;) . I'm sure my daughter would let me borrow the bike for that trip.

Re: Sturgis

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2010 11:33 pm
by :FI:Heloego
It was only a matter of time...

Right. I could see me up there saying "Nice bike, dude, but why don't you get something practical like a Ural or a Dnepr?"
I doubt I would be given the opportunity to repeat it. :lol:

Like Willie says, go up and enjoy the scenery before they screw it up.

Re: Sturgis

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:05 pm
by :FI:Falcon

y-you own a rice rocket??

Break out the snow shoes in Hell boys!

Well, I gots ta have a pic or three of that. I heard a horror story last week about a Gold Wing alternator. OEM cost $600, from another vender, $140, but it still cost $1000 in labor. I'm up to re-greasing the cables, checking the drive belt and changin' da erl, but I doubt I could do an electrical system yet.

We're going for the scenery, sure, but more for the vendors. Eileen's a sucker for a sale no matter how hard it is to get there.


Matt, Vegas is just too ... plastic for me. I'd like to see the air show fer sure and it would be interesting to see how much I remember of my golf game from twenty-five yar 'go, but I ain't ridin' eighty bazillion miles to sit in an air-conditioned room and spend money. Now, almost any other place is fine by me. I think the geographic center of our American membership is prolly somewhere in Kansas. We can go there and watch the wheat grow and ... wait ... Mike (McB) has just reminded me that he's not allowed in Kansas any more. What is that Mike ... 15 states now?

Anywho, you're always invited to Loui-Loui Land. We'll feed ya 'til ya pop.

Melting Canadians ... heh-heh.


Dan! Come on man! Come to Sturgis wiff us! I've checked the ENTIRE route and there are absolutely, positively NO round-abouts.



Re: Sturgis

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 4:38 pm
by :FI:McBiggles
It's nine.

Re: Sturgis

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:52 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Melting Canadians? [-X

Even along the coast of the Maritimes (and especially a little in land) it has been very humid and hot for what seems like forever. Was in Fredericton the other day and it was 29C with no wind. Even along the coast here in Saint John it has been really warm/hot for our temperate climate (25-27C on average) with lots of humid conditions. Nothing like sweating just sitting around or going for a short walk with the dogs.

Anyway, despite all this I still haven't melted. ;)

Re: Sturgis

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:03 pm
by :FI:Wolfhound
Temperate :D That is a blistering hot day in ireland 8)

Re: Sturgis

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 10:36 pm
by :FI:Falcon

29 real, whole degrees?


Oh poor Tac ...

poor sweet, innocent, naive, sheltered Tac.

The coolest day (without rain) this July here in dah Say-outh was ~35*c and many days, with that heat index thingie goin', were above 45.

Hell, some of our Cajuns were gettin' kinna melty with that!



Re: Sturgis

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 5:32 am
by :FI:Heloego
Dan! Come on man! Come to Sturgis wiff us! I've checked the ENTIRE route and there are absolutely, positively NO round-abouts.
It's the hills I'm worried about. Might hit 'em, yknow... :)

Re: Sturgis

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 2:00 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian

Re: Sturgis

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 6:24 pm
by :FI:Bluebell
Well if everyone at Sturgis sounds like Marlon Brando in that film, then it'll be "big girls blouse weekend". 8)


Re: Sturgis

Posted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 1:24 pm
by :FI:Falcon
Naw Vin, they're all jived up hoodlums man.


Heh-heh. My step-son lives in a pretty cool neighborhood. I helped John buy a bike last weekend so he and the wiff can have some fun. They got the bug by seein' mom'n'me pass on by every weekend to points unknown. Well, John's neighbors are all his age with families and ... wives and they get along. Saturday, while my whole family was at a Hungarian wedding of my oldest, don't ask, John's mates, three of them, each went off and bought bikes. When we got back from the reception there was a new Honda in one garage, a new Vulcan in the next and a new Yamaha in the last. Each guy sat in front of his house wearin' a shit-eatin' grin.

So! Instead of John and his wife going off together, you KNOW it's just gonna be the guys.


Re: Sturgis

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 2:59 am
by :FI:WillieOFS
you KNOW it's just gonna be the guys.
Til the girls take your toys and go riding................... :badgrin:

That is one of the nice things about owning and operating a kick only, ball busting, teeth jarring, rigid POS. It keeps the girls at a distance. :p

Ain't too worried about wrenching on a rice rocket. Hell, it's a just a motor with some wheels on both ends of it. Can't be any worse than pulling the alternator out a later model big twin. All that involves is pulling the complete outer primary, clutch, main drive pulley, primary chain, and inner primary. About a 6 pack to get it all off and 12 pack to get it all back together the third or fourth try. :roll:

Still haven't got the wingy picked up yet. Been too damn HOT to enjoy riding and I've been in St Louis for two weeks. Trish's mom got really bad off and spent a couple of weeks in an ICU. She's out of the ICU but still has a ways to go before she's out of the hospital and back on her own. Things are looking a LOT better for her than they were.

I'll get some pics of me and the rice grinder and post them for all to laugh at. :lol: