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HSFX: Russian font in all campaigns (help please)

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 11:53 pm
by :FI:Blue2
I got the mod d/l'd with no issues, and installed on a clean 4.09m. Everything works beautifully with this one exception: when you select the campaigns screen, then choose a country with campaigns available (there are none for the country in the default view, i.e. at the top of the list), all of the wording of the campaign choices at upper right is cyrillic (sp?) lettering. That is, Russian language. Same is true for everything in the box below.
Would appreciate any ideas on a fix. Haven't seen anything yet at the 242 squad forum... will keep looking elsewhere. Thanks.

Re: HSFX: Russian font in all campaigns (help please)

Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 5:47 am
by :FI:Murph
Blue; open JSGME and enable "DGEN Offline Campaigns"- should fix it.

Re: HSFX: Russian font in all campaigns (help please)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 1:01 am
by :FI:Blue2
Yup, that did the trick, Murph - thanks!
Now I wonder: will it be necessary to de-activate the "DGEN Offline Campaigns" mod in order to fly online with others using the HSFX mod?
My guess is that it must be deactivated in order to restore 4.09m "vanilla," but might not cause a conflict with HSFX. Guess we shall see.

Re: HSFX: Russian font in all campaigns (help please)

Posted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 10:57 pm
by :FI:Nellip
If I understand the "readme" notes correctly, to fly online you have to have the same sets of mods activated in JGME or whatever its called. As a squad we would need to agree what we are going to use - sounds like trouble ahead :D

Re: HSFX: Russian font in all campaigns (help please)

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 4:51 pm
by :FI:Murph
Actually, Neil, last night I did have slightly different mods enabled. I just opened JSGME and set them to match the host's settings- took all of two minutes.
When setting up or announcing a session, the host should post which particular features they want to have enabled. That way everyone starts the same.
I have a few cosmetic mods ( plane shine, decal, widescreen etc.,) copied directly into my game's Mods folder, but these don't cause any compatibility issues.

Re: HSFX: Russian font in all campaigns (help please)

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 5:12 pm
by :FI:Falcon
Yeah Neil, last night we had a great time with HSFX. Put the JSGME shortcut on your desk top and click the right mods and nerfniksmilk! you're ready. We did have a four hour downloading and installing marathon session clinic though. The install is very easy, but some folks may have problems with paths or the inevitable, where the heck did that problem come from?!, issue. This really looks like a good way to go for now ... just get rid of the mutant sandgopher holes in the African runways. Gah!

Falcon of Arabia