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Take off procedure - runway

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 12:05 pm
by :FI:Nellip
Due to last Sunday's debacle in the first mission - and lets face it, it's happened before :lol: , I thought a quick run through of what might help us to avoid runway pileups.

This is not gospel, real life pilot stuff, just a few hints and tips for runway takeoffs in FB. If we start flying from carriers again then I'll do one for that.

Golden rules

1. What is the weather doing - is it raining/snowing and will I have to cope with cross winds etc.
2. What am I flying? Twin engine, single engine etc - read the brief.
3. Be quiet on comms - people need to be able to hear who is rolling, ready etc. If other conversations are going on then pilots may miss or mishear these messages.
4. Pre engine start - is my throttle and pitch set correctly, flaps for take off, track IR (for those fortunate enough :lol: ) working, mixture set and so on.
5. Start engine(s)
6. Is my plane a "tail sitter" (most are, unless you are in a P38, P39 or Me262). If yes, get yourself a view over the nose of the aircraft down the runway so you can see ahead. Whilst pressing the brake pedals, apply rudder and up to around 30% power until the aircraft starts to swing to the side. When you can see ahead (an angle of 20 to 30 degrees to the runway) set the throttle back to zero. Even if you are flight lead you should do this as there may be other flights ahead of you on the runway.
7. Listen for your turn - know your number and the pilot ahead of you. Throttle up - slowly, not straght to 100%, straighten up on the runway as you start to roll foward, lock the tail wheel, and take off.

Hope the is a help to new pilots or as a reminder to those that need it.

Re: Take off procedure - runway

Posted: Wed Jun 10, 2009 1:27 pm
by :FI:Scott

Re: Take off procedure - runway

Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2009 6:33 pm
by :FI:Armitage
8. call out your call sign as you start to roll

Re: Take off procedure - runway

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 10:51 am
by :FI:Nellip
:FI:Armitage wrote:8. call out your call sign as you start to roll
Followed by "oh s**t as you run into the plane in front because you didn't do 6 :lol:

Re: Take off procedure - runway

Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:06 pm
by :FI:Gadje
:FI:Nellip wrote:
:FI:Armitage wrote:8. call out your call sign as you start to roll
Followed by "oh s**t as you run into the plane in front because you didn't do 6 :lol:
Using your eyesight is SOOO boring Neil. Especially when flying. :D