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skin rqst- Mc202/205

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 12:18 am
by Peke
Wondering if anyone would Bee so kind as to paint me a natural metal Mc202 or 205 with red,white,green bands, maybe even little Tao like wingmarkings, or the three way Irish swirl with red instead of orange??

Ages ago I flew 4 a short bit as Fi:Up-N-at-'em so recall some kind folks with entirely too much time on their hands who did some awesome skins. I still have a lovely P-39 with a sheep on the tail around here somewhere.
Anyway just looking for something fun to fly in.
Cheers & S! :beer: :sheep: :C[[ :CX :ferret:

Re: skin rqst- Mc202/205

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 3:21 am
by :FI:Falcon

Is this Pike during one of his less lucid moments?


Anywho ... I did some Italian stuff a few months back. They all had metal layers under the camo for wear reasons. I don't know how well they will stand up
on their own though. Gimme a few days and I'll have a look.


The metal layer below would need at least a lot of touch up, but it's an interesting challenge.


Re: skin rqst- Mc202/205

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 6:05 am
by :FI:Falcon

It will need a lot of work. The metal effect is enhanced by the lighting effects around
the rivets and in an Italian bird the rivets are very flush AND the stock voids give VERY
little info where they are. So, we're talkin' a week or so if RL cooperates. Is this anywhere
near what you had in mind metal-wise? The requested graphics would come later.

Re: skin rqst- Mc202/205

Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 4:40 pm
by Peke
Yes just looking for a little shiny airplane. Hate to ask for too much labor, so only do what is fun.
And no I am not Pike, his attempt to stop charging cavalry with a long thin fish....well, it was a wee bit of a flop the 1st time around. :oops: By the 2nd day of the battle however, the Pike emitted a retched odor which sent the horses running for the barn and a bath! =D]