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Best track ir settings

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:44 pm
by :FI:Wardog
Hi folks

Well I have gone and done it. Took delivery of a nice new track ir ultra setup today(after managing to convince my wonderful missus that :beg: "I really do need one") which comes with the track ir 4 and the pro clip.

Is there anything I should know before installing it and does anyone have a setup that they can recomend as I want to get it up and running fairly quickly and get some practise with it before sundays coops.

Wardog 8) ^:) :beer:

Re: Best track ir settings

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:23 pm
by :FI:Scott
Setup was easy on my Dino-pc. Just follow the instructions.

Make sure you aren't getting interference from other light sources (ala Falcons Fridge door) or you will find yourself looking up your own arse for no reason when you least need it. You will have to experiment with what position the unit works best in- when I had a track hat it was on the same shelf as the monitor but with the clip on top of the monitor works best.

As to profiles Im sure that someone has one of their own but I think the combat flight one thats with the software is pretty good.

With the clip (unless they have beefed it up from the early ones) watch out- it is fragile !. Dont spend ages trying to make the four red lights on the Trackir unit work and convince yourself they are broken- the clip is an active light source and the red lights are only needed if you are using reflective dots instead. I know a real Plonker who spent ages doing that- Me.

Finally live in fear of it ever going on the blink- if you use it once you wont be able to fly without it again

Re: Best track ir settings

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:49 pm
by :FI:Sacktime
:FI:Wardog wrote:Hi folks

(after managing to convince my wonderful missus that :beg: "I really do need one")
Wardog 8) ^:) :beer:
How did you ever do this? My wonderfull wife keeps putting feeding the familly ahead of my wants. Off topic though I did find a program called Freetrack and I'm gonna give this a try after I build a 3 point LED thingy for my head. Hope this will work until I save $$ for a real Track IR.

Off topic again, I did find some TR3 online for sale, does a TR3 work well or should I just wait out for a Track IR 4?

Re: Best track ir settings

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 4:14 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
Off topic again, I did find some TR3 online for sale, does a TR3 work well or should I just wait out for a Track IR 4?
TIR2 is good enough for IL2 (without 6dof Mod) so TIR3 should be more , Standard IL2 cant use all the features of TIR4, but if you run FSX or are thinking forward to BoB (If you can wait that long) its probably worth saving.
An old thread , but still a good one T_O_A_D s track IR fix

If you can get 3 at good price , go for it.

Re: Best track ir settings

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:54 pm
by :FI:Wardog
Got it all setup and going and have found it better using the hat clip attached to my headset and not the pro clip as I am getting a much better range of movement. All I have to do now is get used to flying with it :D

So far it is working very well and not jumping around which is cool.

Wardog \:D/ ^:) :beer:

Re: Best track ir settings

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:38 am
by :FI:Heloego
I'm still using a TIR2 for Il-2, and though quirky at times I've found I can't fly anymore without it. :)

Just remember to keep the Face of the IR receiver clean, or you get unpredictable results.

Re: Best track ir settings

Posted: Mon Apr 28, 2008 11:29 am
by :FI:Dutchman

my Track IR is alsow workless in a dusty corner, if i can have a config file with the deadzone's and so

then i can use it again.

I always hav a fight with this device..
I have the version that came out before the vector one , I think thats Track ir 3 ??
or do i talk crap now ?? #-o :?
Anyone ??
