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FS2004 as a supplementary training tool?

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 3:28 pm
by :FI:Dr_Strangelove
I was wondering if anyone has FS2004 around these parts. I have been messing around with some of the tutorials and working on my flying in a DC-3. I know that Falcon in particular has some hands on experience with commercial stuff, so maybe we could use that as a supplemental training tool since the flight models seem very similar.

FS2002 only here

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 3:35 pm
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
I hear that online hours in FS can count towards your licence.

Posted: Mon Jul 17, 2006 7:36 pm
by :FI:Cider
fs2004 here, too.

personally, i don't think the flight models are comparable.and it 's not just me.

fs2004 is (very)good for practising procedures, e.g. landing patterns, (radio)navigation and,to some extent, ATC training (allthough the KI of the ATC-Controller acts a bit weird sometimes, but maybe this IS realism).

While FB is mostly a VFR Sim (with occasional guidance from the ground controller ->vector to target/home base), fs2004 HEAVILY depends on IFR (if you don't have some additional payware. i use Austria professional for fs2004 and you really can go for some VFR flights.but here comes the problem of online [yes, you can fly fs online, even with human ATC] playing:different planes, different scenarios and so on).

I have started a "round the world trip" 3 years ago and made it to the rockies till now (it's not dead mates, it just smells funny due to extreme wainscoting...), but with the stock flight simulator flying VFR i'd never made it this far.

the dc3 is a wonderful ship, even in fs2004 (Ahem). if you love this bird like i do , check

and there's more on the net!

whoa, long post. sry, tact :D
