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ID Frustration

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 5:43 am
by :FI:ZekeMan
Hello Lads,
Just wondering if there is some trick to identifying enemy targets with no icons, other than investing in a $300 vid card or being shot at by them. Now being a former US Army air defense aircraft recognition instructor, I know the human eye can pick up and identify key features of an aircraft from quite a distance, far greater than the pixels on a computer screen can render a decent outline. I have my "view objects distance" thingy at high already, but I burn up most of my fuel checking out dots that remain dots until one is practically perched on their wing. Spent almost 30 minutes on a server tonight chasing my own guys around, who in turn were chasing another freindly aircraft :? Any advice from the vets in this group?


Tricky question

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 8:02 am
by :FI:Genosse
Well, Z! I wouldn´t call myself an expert when it comes to identify aircrafts meaning to differentiate friend from foe.

Beside from the markings - unfortunately they aren´t that visible - you "should" recognize the enemy by the aircraft´s shape. Admittedly this is sometimes also limited possible due to the game´s graphic engine.

So, what´s left then?

Look out for gun fire! Watch the colours of the fire tracers and try to assign them to friend or foe. Therefore you should be in the right position to do so ... always try to be higher than all the others!

Another point to mention would be the flight characteristics of the aircrafts. If you know what kind of planes are in the game you can maybe identify the enemy by the behaviour of their planes ...

Have I already told you that four eyes are able to see more than two? Use comms to communitcate with your mates! Try to let confirm what you think to see ... ;)

Finally, keep always an eye on your six, mate! If there´s someone on your tail who shouldn´t be there then you know what time has come ... :shock:
That´s it!

Gen "SqOirt" sse :p

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 1:57 pm
by :FI:Igor
'Different color tracers"?

I usually just launch missles on anything (everything) not squawking the correct IFF codes....uuuppps wrong war....

I usually just shot at anything (everything) that I can't identify and if necessary, apologize later. (I might be incompetent air warrior, but I'm at least polite)

Igor da 'give me big bombers with big bombs and plently of AI gunners to cover my butt'

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 3:25 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Stupid question but I assume you are constantly zooming in (gunsight mode) when trying to ID right mate?

While I now enjoy a no-icon environment, definitely have no argument with those that prefer custom icons as I agree that it provides for a level playing field for all concerned.

Offline is even more difficult as every AI knows who everyone is except me. ;)

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 6:19 pm
by :FI:ZekeMan
:FI:TacticalS! wrote:Stupid question but I assume you are constantly zooming in (gunsight mode) when trying to ID right mate?

While I now enjoy a no-icon environment, definitely have no argument with those that prefer custom icons as I agree that it provides for a level playing field for all concerned.

Offline is even tricky as every AI knows who everyone is except me. ;)
I do, yes, but I find that I usually lose the target with the reduced field of view unless it is directly in front of me, at which case if it is hostile I can get a quick head on shot at it. Most of the time I do not like having anyone's guns pointed at me, (I am just funny that way, :o ) so I try and ID the target with a fly-by at a slighter higher altitude.

Now I've found that the target ID was slightly easier before the FP add on. I am not sure what changed, but my AEP in-game vid was "brighter" it seemed, than FP, and I was able to pick up paint schemes from a greater distance which led to faster ID. The shape was no different than it is now, a dot or a jumble of dark blotches, but it was easier picking out a Luftwaffe camo scheme from freindly. Anyone else notice this...or did my eyesight just go to hell in that short time? :oops:

During my Army air defense days, I was proud of the fact and lauded for my ability to pick out targets before anyone else. During a training session at Ft. Lewis, we were showed a flim clip of the Falklands War and showed a split second shot of attacking Argentine aircraft on several Royal Navy ships. I was the only one in the group to ID the aircraft. Thus I can vouch for how "unreal" the sighting distances are in this sim, although I know it is a matter of hardware and programming and not a fault of the game itself.

I suppose it would be easier to do the Zoom in with a setup like TIR as my hat switch sometimes does not offer the view I though I inputed, or my thumb is just too damn clumsy. I've rambled enough. Check six mates!

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 8:00 pm
by Deathsledge
yep, the best way to identify aircraft in this game is to use the zoom key. after a while you'll grow accustom to what a 109 looks like from front to back, same with Zero's :)

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 8:36 pm
by :FI:Snoop Baron
Normally, your resolution should be no higher than 1024x768 this keeps the dots larger relaitve to your monitor size.

Use the gunsight FOV (field of view) after spotting a dot in wide or normal FOV. This is hard to do if you are not using TrackIR or mouse view. If you plan on playing in no icon servers either get TrackIR or start using your mouse instead of the hatswitch or maybe use your hatswitch in mouse mode. Otherwise when you switch to gunsight view the dot will no longer be in sight and you will loose track which puts you at a huge disadvantage.

Make sure you keep your object visibility distance at their highest settings reduce all other graphics settings if you must.

Atleast on my server you won't have to worry about this as I always host with limited icons on. The game does look prettier without icons though.


Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:44 am
by :FI:TacticalS!
Yes, I agree that you really need TIR to properly address this situation. I flew a long time using my hatswitch and was relatively successful (have you maxed your snap speed btw?). However, that was before custom/no icon servers really became the norm and the Squad got more comfortable with reduced/no icons.

I now use my hatswitch to quickly move from Wide, Normal and Gunsight view while tracking targets with TIR3PRO.

I can appreciate how much harder all this must be with just the hatswitch. With icons you didn't have to worry as much with accurate tracking of targets.

What's your thoughts on becoming a team killer until you get TIR3; is that a solution? :D


Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:09 am
by :FI:ZekeMan
:FI:Snoop Baron wrote:Normally, your resolution should be no higher than 1024x768 this keeps the dots larger relaitve to your monitor size.
I was wondering about this same facet not long after submitting my last post. I do all my simming in 1152x864 to take in more of whats going on around me. I am going to have to try 1024x768 to see if it makes a difference.

As for TIR, Sir Tact, that and a Radeon 9800 Pro is on my wish list.


Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2005 12:49 pm
by Grecian
yep, the best way to identify aircraft in this game is to use the zoom key. after a while you'll grow accustom to what a 109 looks like from front to back, same with Zero's
Yep I concentrate on front views, as there normally behind me :(

Definetely use 1024x768 maximum, some use 640x480, monitor also makes a massive difference I am told, I have 17", 19" minimum is best as I understand it.

Another item for your wish list M8 and mine. ;)

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 6:56 am
by :FI:ZekeMan
Tried the 1024x768 today and found it less than desireable. I was able to pick out some details easier, but found the more limited field of view disorientating. I'm going back to the 1152x864 so I can at least keep track of who is trying to kill me, LOL.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 12:46 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Is that with Wide View usually on? With that view at 1024x768 most folks can see what's happening (SA). But hey whatever works mate. 8)