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Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 3:48 pm
by Sapper-FIN
Same theme, different plane.... This is a WVMIP.... "Work very much in progress". ;)

What do you think about the painting? Is it finished, or is there still something to do? Upper side of those tail-thingy´s are to be painted green, of course...



Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 4:26 pm
by :FI:Falcon
The Jug's void and map are a mess! There are several very tricky areas on it. You are lucky that your paint scheme dosn't need to worry about the warping along the fuselage's spine ...

but you still may need to think about the vent/duct whatever on the sides. You CAN after months of fiddling get the roundel to look kinna perfect.

the &^%$&*%&% port upper side of the cowling is a double barrel bytch to get right. You need to over paint that area and see if you can minimize that mapping faux pas. Again, you're lucky your design there is solid color.

there is also a problem with getting the tail fully painted, but it seems you surmounted that problem one way or another ...

lastly; the map joining line port and forward of the cockpit is not fully covered. If I remember correctly, then that glitch should be fixable.



I almost forgot!

Great design!

This squad is gettin' good!


PS: is that Avirex's template?

Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2005 5:48 pm
by Sapper-FIN
Yup, it´s Avirex´s template, quite good actually.... i tried to create my own template, but like you said
The Jug's void and map are a mess

After hour of intensive skinning, i decided to give up, and go with Avirex´s template :lol:

Need a Skinning Mentor

Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 5:08 pm
by MikeVictor
Hey Sapper, so you're a skinner (nothing personal).

I'm trying to learn how to take an existing spitfire template and add some markings (coat of arms over an area that I place a tartan pattern over the existing paint).

Can you assist me with some coaching on how to do this. I'll email you some attachments showing what I have in mind if you have a little time to be my skinning mentor.



Posted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 9:03 pm
by Sapper-FIN
It would be my pleasure MV ^:)

Send ´em, and let´s see what we can do about them... What kind of graphics program you have? i have photoshop, and that´s pretty much the only graphics program i know how to use :lol:

Btw, it will cost ya a pint :beer: :lol:

I made this some time ago... it has my family´s coat of arms, and tartan (my ancesters were scottish)

You ment something like this?