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NEW Island Combat 40pack coop folder

Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 12:39 am
by Beowolff
Salute Irish!

NEW! Island Combat 40 pack of coop missions... And I put some EFFORT into these babies! to my knowledge, they contain some ideas that have NEVER before been used in IL2/FB/PF mission making. i could of course, be wrong, but i don't think so... least I've never seen nor heard of some of it before.

all sorts of pitfalls and traps, new ideas, new ways to takeoff, fight, carry out the missions. (wait till you get to the "secret agent" mission...hehehe) and so forth. of course, the first time you play them through, you'll need to play them in numerical order as they won't make sense (some missions carry over into the next mission) but after the first run-through, you'll know so can play them individually as you please.

there ARE some surprises in these missions...

I've been chomping at the bit to release these since the last of Dec... but Oleg's previous griveous takeoff patch made them useless until now, BUT with the new patch (patch 304m) they work perfectly again.

They were originally going to be an offline campaign... but i nixed that to make them single missions so coop players (and offline players) could play them with their choice of aircraft in the multiplayer coop part of the game.

here's the link: ... 6520622015" onclick=";return false;

just click on the Island Combat zip down towards the bottom of the page there.

hope you enjoy them and feedback appreciated. really, feedback keeps us mission makers going. and i hope you like the many surprises in there.


PSSST! don't miss the 7pack Danger River coop missions there on the page either. a RE-MIX of the old IL2 Danger River coop missions that many people liked back in the day. its Russian stars against German crosses in those coops.


Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 2:10 pm
by Deathsledge
thanks a bunch Beo, I cant wait to try these out.

Cheers m8 :beer:


Posted: Mon Jan 24, 2005 8:32 pm
by :FI:Fenian
Thanks Beo!

Look forward to flying 'em!

Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2005 4:37 am
by :FI:Snoop Baron
This sounds like my kind of coops I've downloaded them and look forward to being surprised :D



Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:12 am
by :FI:Heloego
DL'ing now! :D

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:33 am
by Beowolff
you're all very welcome... hope you enjoy flying them as much as i did making them. it was a barrel of fun, trying to come up with new ideas to spring.

my personal faves are the Sea Base attacks, one in a Corsair and another one in the Lightning (depending on which allied force you're flying with.) i spent a lot of time getting the sea base just like i wanted it, and i was very happy with the way it turned out.

i also of course liked the Secret Agent/Hit Man mission... hehehe, even though i kept taking damage from my own (allied) army units on that one. LOL!

and on the (homemade) Marine (later USAAF) island base (and to some degree the other bases,) if you keep a sharp eye out, you'll notice that every other mission or so, the base is slowly but steadily growing---getting bigger, more modern, more aircraft, more gun emplacements, more vehicles, more hangers, more fuel and supply depots...etc... just like i imagined a real military base would build up over time. there towards the end of the missions, its grown to cover most of the island.

i know the premise of a Marine pilot staying behind to help the Army Air Corps is pretty far-fetched, but i just love those PF Corsairs and using that premise was the only way I could figure out to fly Corsairs AND Army fighters in the missions with any sort of sense. and i suppose it "could" of happened. in the war, a lot of men/units from one branch of the service found themselves attached to another one. oh well, it wasn't intended to be historic anyway, but rather FUN.

and i hope they are fun.


Good on ya, Beo!

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 6:35 am
by :FI:Heloego
Played the first five with Tact and Keppoch.

Very enjoyable.

I think Keppoch shot up the tire on a Toyota, cuz in the second mission his score was only 27.5 :lol:

So far a very good implementation of the coop!!!

Looking forward to doing more soon!!

Thanks again, m8! :beer: Beer's on me!

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:24 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
Agree with Helo (I do? :shock: ). Yes, we three had a fun time last night with the first 5 missions in the series. We enjoyed the mission variety, short flight distances =D], and looking around it was clear that a lot of work went into placing various objects in and around the target areas and bases. I also enjoyed your choice of planes. I'll come clean though, us old guys did skip that night mission one. However, I'm sure there are folks who love night missions.

The guys said that the game performance while I hosted these COOPs was good and stable. However, Helo who has a slightly older machine, mentioned a couple of times he got some freezing while flying low. Seemed fine for the rest of us. I only opened one mission up to take a quick look around, and did notice a lot of objects that probably caused this performance hit, but I wouldn't change anything with regards to this matter as I think it is fine for most folks (Helo just needs to buy a new machine ;) ).

One thing I would consider is ship flak. Again I just took a quick look, but perhaps a higher value than ROF 3.0 should be considered, especially for carriers. However, so far we have stayed away from encountering any fleet attacks.

Again, we're very happy with the missions. In the last one Helo got almost 700 points for his groundpounding efforts and 1 bandit. Good show mate! Kepp had some good bombing runs in a couple previous missions too! For me I'm flying/encountering some planes that I have little to no experience with yet so it's great fun.

We're looking forward to playing more missions this week and next.


Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 12:46 am
by Beowolff
Man, that is good news, Helo and Tac... glad they are working out okay.

and yeah, i usually skip the night ones too (lol) and prefer day, but since i wanted an air of real combat and knew that night missions were ran fairly often during the war, i included a few (only two or maybe three...can't remember now) for the guys that like them. by the way though, there is a Beaufighter night mission that you guys REALLY ought to, to say the least! LOL!

and i know there is a lot of objects in the game (sorry, Helo) but did "attempt" to keep it somewhat level and under control...and to space them out so that not ALL of the ground objects are in view (and draining computer power) at the same time. its tough to walk the line on that sort of stuff.

there may be a few missions (a couple) that won't work exactly right for coop, so you may need to weed those out (remember, i initially made the whole pack for a single-player campaign) so if you run across a couple that seem odd in coop, you'll know about them and next time just skip them (or take them out of the folder so they don't show up.) One of those is a Jug mission if I remember correctly... when the first Jugs arrive on the scene.

again, glad you all like 'em so far... and thanks for saying so, as it really encourages me to try and do better and more.



Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 1:01 am
by Beowolff
PS.... Helo got THAT many points.... ????? and a kill too! Christ! I must have made them TOO easy! :oops:

good show lad!

oh, on the ships arty... yes, some ship arty has ROF of 3 or so which is high and can cause stutter... but that is usually just for ships on patrol on the high seas. and you may encounter those if you run outside the stated mission goals. but targeted ships (per the briefings) or ships that you will usually encounter on your mission runs, will for the most part have VERY low rates of fire and should be bearable... usually ROF 10 or ROF 15, some even in 20's and 30's or more... to keep the stuttering down. so as you play the missions and follow the mission guidelines (briefings) and plotted waypoints, most everyone should be okay on the ships they encounter.

i also tried hard to set the ground artillery RANGE to more realistic levels, to keep you from being engaged from a ka-zillion miles away (which is something that bugs the hell out of me in IL2.) that too should help with stutter. case in point, while testing the missions, on one, i kept getting shot out of the air over Florida Island yet there was NO ground or ship AAA anywhere near where the waypoint was being flown. come to find out, a Jap AAA ground unit was engaging me from CLEAR ACROSS THE MAP! LOL! and it took forever for me to locate the guilty gun and shut it down. I had to re-run that mission dozens of times to eventually find out what was happening and why---and then dozens more times to actually find the SOB jap gun!



"...but you can't please all of the people all of the t

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 2:44 am
by :FI:Heloego
NP, Beo!

The missions are great and I only had serious stutters when landing with a lot of visible objects.

No way I'd ask or expect anyone to cater to my ancient machine.

(Hmmm... wonder if Snoop wil send me his "old" one next time he upgrades? ;) )

Incidently, my high score was because I laid down a couple of 1000 pounders on the Japanese trucks, tanks, and AAA on the hillside in the Guadacanal mission. :lol: That made it easy to go back and take out the AAA with the six .50's on my Corsair.

Had an excellent time.

I agree with Tactical (I do? :? ) re the ROF, but unlike that whiner, I didn't have a real problem with it. Except when they were shooting at me ;)

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2005 3:46 am
by :FI:TacticalS!
Thanks for your comments Beowolff. I definitely have to agree if Helo is getting great scores something must be too easy indeed! :D


Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 6:45 am
by :FI:Snoop Baron
=D] =D] =D] =D] =D]

Just wanted to add that I also got to fly them and these are among the best coops I've flown. Great varriety, good action and short time-to-action, a very good job Beo!! I look forward to flying more of them.


Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 2:26 pm
by Beowolff
thanks, guys... and those good words coming from Baron is cool, since i know he has his own fine coops.

but crimey! ---has anyone made it to the secret agent/hit man mission yet? i'd really like to know what you guys think of that, as i tried to combine ground action intermixed with air action on that one. ???

i've yet to play a similiar coop anywhere myself and really had to stretch to make that one play out right.
