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Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 5:04 pm
by :FI:Gadje
It's good to hear of the differences with airfields for the next map.

However the issue isn't with red pilots enjoyment of flying this map now. Not at all! In fact I would suggest we are very much enjoying the challenge. The air battle is still very much contested even if the ground war and war in general looks lost for red.
The issue is how you and I mean blue pilots wish to proceed to win it. The recent escallation of shooting player spawn planes before taking off is something new. It would be good to to know (since this issue has been flagged up by Zahl) if the plan is to continue with this. Either way I think red will accept it and believe we wish to continue with Moscow further.

However perhaps other red pilots have a different view?.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:57 pm
by :FI:Genosse
:FI:Gadje wrote:Either way I think red will accept it and believe we wish to continue with Moscow further.

However perhaps other red pilots have a different view?.
Well, I don't mind skipping this campaign, Blue could be declared as the winner of the Moscow campaign and we all could move on to the Bessarabia one. Of course just in case the new camapaign is ready to go ... there're some minor things that still need to be to discussed, right?

Just my two Euro-Pfennigs opinion ... :|

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:41 pm
by :FI:Nellip
Well I would be prepared to concede defeat on the Moscow map, although that is just my opinion, not the squadrons. Situation is pretty hopeless and it is only a matter of time, and not much fun for red now.

If Bessarabia is ready I would be happy to switch?

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:09 pm
by Nephris
just need the final ok or what still to needs to be discussed with the planeset and we could give Bessa a try on Sunday.
The map is prepared and u can already check out the initial frontline and airfield situation.
So maybe one or another want to spend to a view in the Bessarabia thread aswell.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:51 pm
by Graf Zahl
:FI:Gadje wrote:It is not for me to say but the obvious fun of blowing up players planes on the ground with 30mm cannon (1942!?) is going to have repercussions eventually and I doubt you need to to win.
Sad to hear that. Understandable anyway.

It's 2x30mm + 2x20mm though, concentrated on less than 1 sqm... :shock:

The logic behind this is as easy as it is not fun-inspiring: Every red plane that gets up is very real threat for a 110. Especially the IL-2 needs only one salvo pointed roughly in your direction - and this one even starts firing before getting up...
I know this does not make it fair, but just to let you know why I did what I did. Additionally the situation was not a clear at the moment. Planes where entering and leaving above me, the death of the AAA was unsure.
And btw, looking at the stats I did not kill as many planes on the ground as I thought I did. Apparently most where static.... :)

I think it is good that airfields are away from the tank routes in Bessarabia. In the current campaign, everything culminates at the few remaining red fields.

Before everything dissolves into choas and bad taste, I would vote to start the next campaign, too.

:FI:Gadje wrote:(1942!?)
Which could lead to discussion about AJ-2 Cassettes destroying tanks on mass or PTAB in 1942... :?

Damn. We should definitely do Blue2s 'switch-your-colours-and-give-it-a-try' thing at least once!
What about coming Sunday? (If we agree to the current campaign, of course...)


Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:09 pm
by Nephris
We should definitely do Blue2s 'switch-your-colours-and-give-it-a-try' thing at least once!
Feel free to fly red in Bessarabia.

But sth tells me that "Quick Editor" is a nice place to try each aircraft in game.

It would be great if we could get a decision up to friday.
Pls consider which weapons we should limit,
otherwise we ll fly with default ones again.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 9:19 am
by :FI:Bluebell
I'm happy to move to Bessarabia and fly for either side. As for vulching, I'm sure at times we can all try and justify it, but over all its a shite thing to do and can spoil someones enjoyment of the game.


Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:20 pm
by :FI:Armitage
In terms of moving to Bessarabia I will go with what ever the majority of the squad decide but I'm not sure its hopeless for Red in Moscow. We know a lot more about how the game works, we know what we need to do to halt Blues ground advance (which we have done in several places). Blue Ground forces in particular have a long way to travel to the front line while Reds have shorter distances.

Of course the short flying time for Blue air forces can off set the short red ground force travel distance.

While it may be very difficult for Red to win this map I do think Red can push Blue back and force a draw :-)

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:57 pm
by Nephris
I will setup a new poll on vulching on the campaign site, so everyone who is interested in a change can vote there.
As for the running campaign, airfields like Kubinka is the next location for Blue to go, so Blue must attack that airfield in order to conquer it. What comes up to mind, why does a pilot start on an airfield which is temporary únder attack? Actually u need to move the planes off Kubinka to prevent vulching completely at that location there.
But I understand that the place for aircrafts is getting tight on the map now :cry:

As for a going on with Moscow or Bessarabia, do u have polls in your forum cms? I think phpBB offer that? It is not that I now became a big fan of polls but it is probably the easiest way to get the meaning of all, in a very short time. As there are often people that are less interested in posting to threads.

Has the JaVa als a own website or forum? Could so. link me to their site plz?

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 3:12 pm
by :FI:Gadje
Ah for ever the optimist Eammon ;)

I'd like to see Moscow through to it's conclusion myself. I think we are still learning and seeing how a win works would be helpful. As a fighter pilot it has never been better than now, tough but exciting. No problem finding the fight atm. However for red groundpounders perhaps it feels pointless now so I do understand the wish to move maps.
Knowing the FI I suspect they will fly either map but won't vote, but perhaps the 'man that can' Gen could start a poll?.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 6:37 pm
by :FI:Genosse
:FI:Gadje wrote:Ah for ever the optimist Eammon ;)

I'd like to see Moscow through to it's conclusion myself. I think we are still learning and seeing how a win works would be helpful. As a fighter pilot it has never been better than now, tough but exciting. No problem finding the fight atm. However for red groundpounders perhaps it feels pointless now so I do understand the wish to move maps.
Knowing the FI I suspect they will fly either map but won't vote, but perhaps the 'man that can' Gen could start a poll?.
Polls? I am allowed to set up a poll again? :shock: =D]

Poll has been added to this thread ...


Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:55 pm
by Graf Zahl
Greetings, most beloved enemies!

As it stands by now, you have voted 6:3 to die standing rather than on your knees.

I salute that decision. ^:)

Yet, we all know the recent events in our campaign were source for some troubles between the warring factions. I assume that when voting 'let us fight till our very end' , you mean nothing else but this and you are not only ready, but happily willing to bear the consequences. :?
Which will obviously include heavy attacks on the few remaining red airfields and every plane on the ground...

So I ask you to not succumb to bitterness and disgust when the inevitable happens, but rather to look forward to new campaigns, when the cards are shuffled anew and every faction fights for glory once more.

From our current position, I do not judge Armitage's view as overly optimistic: If Blue succumbs to a totally 'fair' fighting style, something like a stalemate is an everlasting threat.

It took me quite awhile to express my thoughts in (hopefully understandable) English. So here's something to improve your multilingual skills at the very end of this post... :badgrin:

Schwarz wird die Sonne, die Erde
sinkt ins Meer, vom Himmel
stürzen die heiteren Sterne.
Brüder kämpfen
und bringen sich Tod,
brechen das Sippengesetz;
arg ist die Welt,
Ehbruch furchtbar,
Schwertzeit, Beilzeit,
Schilde bersten,
Windzeit, Wolfszeit,
bis die Welt vergeht.

Cheers & good Night! ^:)


My sister Edith has one question: Am I allowed to vote, too? :)

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 12:32 am
by :FI:Gadje
Graf Zahl wrote:
As it stands by now, you have voted 6:3 to die standing rather than on your knees.
Oh trust me as this runs it's course you will be doing a lot of dying too.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 1:51 am
by Nephris
I do not know if Dorokhovo is contested or blue (due the issues of 2 flags over each other,and so a not differnced view on the map).
I ll jave a look and post the referring file here (territory.dcg).If Dorokovo is complete blue and Kubinka airfield would be on direct threat,as Balabanovo was the event b4.the planes would be transfered to Naro,Istra or Medyn east airstrip.
So the problem of vulching for conquering the field would not be present for now.

Atm i am striked by either the flew or a bad cold ,dunno atm , i probably ll be off on sunday,but i ll start the server remote from bed with notebook,just need a quick call after first mission.. Finally we are in a boiling phase we were looking for actually 5(?) month, so i dont wanna skip it.

I enjoy staying at me girl atm,so maybe i can post the situation at Kubinka at saturday only.
So far all aircrafts are on the sam strip as last sunday, as long as a squadron didnt got completely some blue ones for sure

As for transfers on direct threats ,DCG has a option to automatically move the squadrons to
safe locations without human influence.Maybe we should consider this option anytime.But for Bessarabia we wil be fine as no airfield can get threated.

a squadron is the unit to count and deal with airplane numbers.If the max number of a squadron got erased,the squadron wont be spawned next mission.Like we got 3 squads of bf109,each located on a diffrrent field.Each bf109f4 squad has 4 plsanes.If 4 bf109 that had been taken off the same airfield,this squadron ran empty and wont get spawned until next resupply.
I hope this makes sense to you ,posting stoned by Wick Medi Night and several different stuff is like....loosing the red line after 3 words :ev :lol:

ffs typed again almost a book....

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 4:31 am
by :FI:Blue2
Late to the discussion.... busy week. I would be fine with moving on, but voted my preference which is to finish this, or force a stalemate or better if we can. I agree with the more optimistic among us that this isn't necessarily over with yet, but I also understand the other side. At very best, this will remain a hard fight all the way, and that can wear on anybody. After all the war is simulated, but the effort is not! :lol:
Because of that fact, though, there's also a matter of principle here IMHO. If Red were winning, some if not most of us would want to experience the reward of a victory, hard fought over so many months and EARNED. Would hate to deny our Blue friends of that, should they achieve it. (But we'll keep making them earn it! :D )
Also agree with those who've mentioned the further learning value. Nephris mentioned this has been a "sand box" for him. That's true for most if not all of us. The lessons should make any future campaigns better for everyone.

Currently using the backup PC while my primary gets [finally] upgraded to Windows 7, so not sure about my flying status this weekend yet. Whether I can fly or not, I will send you a list of squadron transfers once you've let us know about Dorokova, Nepthris. Sorry to hear about the illness... hope you're feeling better soon mate.

One more thing I nearly forgot, Nephris. We destroyed all 3 AA guns in the town of Ugra several weeks ago. However when we returned there this past Sunday, all the AAA was alive once again. You've mentioned that Ugra can't be resupplied. I thought this meant that if its AA guns were destroyed, they could not be restored (because no columns can pass through there, which we understand to be the only means of resupply). Was this a DCG flaw, or were you only referring to the hidden static targets inside the buildings, and NOT the AA guns?