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Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:51 pm
by :FI:Armitage
Do you like to get a complete new sub forum just for the stats, Eamonn? Or should it be included in an already existing parent forum?
gen what ever works for you. I would like if people could start new posts, ask questions, I could provide updates, releases etc.
@Armitage: is it fine for you, if I link the stats page in our forums?
thats fine with me.
Shall I send you the log after each evening or do u want me to upload it via ftp?
send me the log for the moment.

Once I have the kill streak and few others bit sorted I'll add a direct upload feature.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 11:42 am
by Nephris
Dunno if the "stats subforum" has already been created, ..if yes, would it possible to grant me access to the part of your forums, as I am rather interested although useless in php scripting.

I hope I fixed now the problme at Airfield in M4. At least I deleted the static plane that caused the crashes last time for Jovo.
The lost planes will be added again to red plane account of course.
I started to create a cascadic list of all downgrade planes.
In our forum I also created a small essay about the downgrade and how it works. As it is in german, I will pass it on to Frank, so he can squeeze the important info in english out of it...Google Translator is ...well...too enterntaining in this case. :D
As general info, as I got the impression that wasnt menstioned before, the downgrade planes work cascadic.
If I got 4x Bf109F4(level1) , the following downgrade (level2)will be also 4x, a following downgrade (level3) is also 4x etc.
If I got a resupply , level1 planes will be filled, and the downgrade cascade begins again.

For the past months we just used Level2 Downgrades, as the resupply gave us 2 planes each second day (mission) and we barely reached Level3.
In the last 5 missions (?) we had no resupply and the total amount fell to 30 planes. So that is the reason why I add Level3 and Level4 downgrade planes to prevent us of running empty and keep the AI plane framework flying.

I will link the downgrade planes list here tonight, so you got a way to give your veto for one or another downgrade.
But at thend it lloks very similar to what we had, so there wont be any changes to Level1 or Level2 planes, just adding lower levelled ones.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:25 am
by Nephris
Get the complete downgrade list from this link.
All in all everything keeps as it was, I just adapted the total amount to classified planes and added Level 3 & 4 Downgrade planes.
All Level 1 & Level 2 planes are the same. I would like to change the He111 to a Ju88C6 to get an equal blue bomber to the Pe84 for blue, that way we ´d have Il4 - Ju88A4 & Pe84 - Ju88C6.
Please consider if you are fine with the downgrade planes and the list or if you would like to add sth else.

Maybe you will notice a C47 in blue list which is not an error although it looks like.
I would like to test tomorrow again the civil air traffic on the map. The Ju52 as german flybale transporter is not working and caused bugs in earlier missions.The Li-2 is working fine for human and AI use. The C47 is of same model and could serve in german duty to drop the boys from sky (mass paratrooper drops should be deactivate). I know it visually sucks that the models are same, but maybe we cann add a certain skin to the C47 to clearly identifie it, at least it is painted with a + Balkenkreuz +
However it will depend on a test tomorrow evening which results I ll post direclty after.
Civil air planes , as we had in the very beginning, add another level to the game. You can transport your paratroopers to a location, drop the boys, and the guys will conquer the (unarmed) location and mount maybe defense positions. That way a player can control in a limited degree which location shall be conquered and where tanks should roll to. Each contested location triggers tanks in a 2/3 chance to roll that way.Paratroopers can create contested locations.
So far the theorey...I will try to proove my hypothesis tomorrow.
It really depends on a test tomorrow, if it works at all and if it works on every locations or just dedicated ones.

@ Armitage: players are listed all on blue side now, on the far right table of the stats.
Although we are more or less...actually more,... a ruinied shadow of the once glory times of international airwarfare in better and more successfull times in the lands of milk and honey ,where king and queen ordered us to protect the skies over their lands and the earth was shaking by the sound of our hilarious DB601 engines....beside all that....we still use the squadron name JG42 :D
Welcome to the IL2 Stats for the JG26 DCG Moscow War

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 10:38 pm
by Nephris
Results of our testing evening:

destroyed bridges
We tested the behaviour of destroyed bridges and how vehicles behave in that case.
I used the DCG option "bridge Repair Time: 3 mission".
A destroyed bridge is tracked throughout the following missions, in this case 3 missions.
Vehicles that are intended to use the road over the bridge stop on the prior location and wait here until the bridge got repaired.

Still no success with the airborne boys. We dropped the guys above a default location, which had no influence on the following mission.We dropped the boys at a paratrooper dedicated location (Temkino_Dropzone/Peredel_Dropzone) which also had no influence on the following mission.So at the end paras keep staying buisness or AI. Ashame but true.
That means we do not need to take care of any skins to different Li-2 from C-47.I will have to ask Lowengrin (DCG creator) once again, if he has any idea how to get the guys working for human players, but for so long I ll deactivate the paratroopers to prevent network issues by massive uni drops.

As Graf Zahl mentioned the Ju88C6 was a kind of super plane in Ultrapack, we tested this bird vs the Pe-84.
The Pe84 climbs and turns a bit better, the gunnery is better in Ju88C6. All in all a leveled partner and no overpowered as it seem to had been in UP3.

Testing if destroyed buildings are tracked in DF.

As some still suffer by getting killed when spawning (statics), I will deactivate the death kick.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 11:56 pm
by :FI:Gadje
Nephris wrote:Results of our testing evening:

destroyed bridges
We tested the behaviour of destroyed bridges and how vehicles behave in that case.
I used the DCG option "bridge Repair Time: 3 mission".
A destroyed bridge is tracked throughout the following missions, in this case 3 missions.
Vehicles that are intended to use the road over the bridge stop on the prior location and wait here until the bridge got repaired.

Still no success with the airborne boys. We dropped the guys above a default location, which had no influence on the following mission.We dropped the boys at a paratrooper dedicated location (Temkino_Dropzone/Peredel_Dropzone) which also had no influence on the following mission.So at the end paras keep staying buisness or AI. Ashame but true.
That means we do not need to take care of any skins to different Li-2 from C-47.I will have to ask Lowengrin (DCG creator) once again, if he has any idea how to get the guys working for human players, but for so long I ll deactivate the paratroopers to prevent network issues by massive uni drops.

As Graf Zahl mentioned the Ju88C6 was a kind of super plane in Ultrapack, we tested this bird vs the Pe-84.
The Pe84 climbs and turns a bit better, the gunnery is better in Ju88C6. All in all a leveled partner and no overpowered as it seem to had been in UP3.

Testing if destroyed buildings are tracked in DF.

As some still suffer by getting killed when spawning (statics), I will deactivate the death kick.
Regarding the JU-88C it is a heavy fighter Nephris the Pe-3 is a divebomber.
I came across this plane before in a DF server where it was dogfighting Spits and P40's until it was retired as unrealistic.
I think that was Ultrapack so I checked in IL-2 compare recent edition and the plane's fastest turn is 21 seconds! it outurns Reds best fighter the Yak-1B at speeds under 230KPH.
Still not believing this I did my own test. Versus two ace AI Yak 1B. Had my shooting been better it would have been over quickly. They are AI but watch how I can easily reel him in turning. It is an arcade plane up there with the 1942 I-185 , and a 3 cannon game changer I suspect. Imagine what it would do to any IL-2's it found.
However if the lads are happy that you wish to replace a He 111 with this plane I am too.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 1:11 am
by Nephris
Sounds like the Ju88C6 was/is really much overpowered in UP3.
I never flew it in UP3 tbh.
That must be 2 completely different FM in HSFX 6 and UP3.

The HSFX Compare Data represents pretty much what we expirienced today.
I wouldnt call the Pe2-84 a simple divebomber, each german bomber/Stuka is a nice find for her.

Ju88C6 vs Pe2-84

Ju88C6 vs Yak1B

Ju88C6 vs Il2 Fieldmod

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:26 am
by :FI:Blue2
Welcome home, Nephris! Sorry to see all that flooding, & we definitely hope Wolf's home was not among those under water. :shock:

Thanks for the airfield fix, and downgrade list. All good onfo! Sorry the paratroops didn't work out, but I'm OK with it - nobody on Red side really knows how to make use of them anyway, and we already have our hands full with you guys taking Mozhaysk from us!

As for the change of airplanes, before this turns into a mass of chart reading, eye strian, and profuse outbreaks of carpel tunnel syndrone, may I suggest that we just arrange to meet on Teamspeak & visit about this a bit tomorrow, if you're available? Maybe we can talk Frank into joining too if he can - might help with language barrier stuff, huh? I think that will save time & a lot of cramped fingers. :lol:
In the end you are the host, though, so your decision is final.

I noticed a few min after I signed in to the forum that you were there also, so I tried to catch you with email to suggest TS, but apparently I missed you (I know it's EARLY in Germany right now!). I will be off work early tomorrow (by 1900Z or so), so we could meet then if you're up for it. PM or email me if you can be available sometime Friday evening, OK? Hope to talk soon.


Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 2:34 am
by :FI:Gadje
Nephris the test I recorded was in HSFX. Please look at it if you haven't yet. The data in IL2 compare shows the same thing. This twin engined heavy fighter(not bomber) is a better turner in a low speed fight than a Yak IB etc at 220kph and below. As your friend mentioned it is well known. That's why it doesn't appear in DF servers or wars. The Pe-2 has one rifle calibre machine gun one heavy machine gun. Anyone who takes out a Stuka in that deserves praise.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:35 am
by :FI:Gadje
Yes sorry Blue and Nephris. i just missed your post last night Blue. You are right, best to discuss this in person so to speak. I'll keep my nose out. ;)


Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:48 am
by Nephris
Well at the end the bird is indeed not worth to lead some discussion about FM etc.
So lets strike the Ju88C6 from the list. I guess the planeset is fine as we are atm.
However and beside that, I would be fine for a p2p conversation in TS.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:44 am
by :FI:Genosse
Nephris wrote:Dunno if the "stats subforum" has already been created, ..if yes, would it possible to grant me access to the part of your forums, as I am rather interested although useless in php scripting.

a subforum called Statistics has been set up in the Fighting Irish Barbarians section of this board ...

There you go, you stats pushers! :p ;)

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 1:11 pm
by :FI:Armitage
Can you make it appear on the front page like "Dear Uncle Fenster" under the "Off Topics" forum?

Or maybe give it a whole proper forum :-)

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 2:03 pm
by :FI:Armitage
You need to correct the spelling.

It should be Statistics.

Actually make the forum "IL2 Stats" (I could add ROF stats if you are interested!)

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:16 pm
by :FI:Genosse
:FI:Armitage wrote:Can you make it appear on the front page like "Dear Uncle Fenster" under the "Off Topics" forum?

Or maybe give it a whole proper forum :-)
No new proper forum but a subforum has been generated ...
:FI:Armitage wrote:You need to correct the spelling.

It should be Statistics.

Actually make the forum "IL2 Stats" (I could add ROF stats if you are interested!)
GAH! Me Germerman, you know. Thanks for pointing me to that, Eamonn! :oops: ;) ^:)

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Sat Jun 08, 2013 10:10 pm
by :FI:Armitage

its still not appearing on the main forum page.

How is one meant to find it ?