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Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 10:29 pm
by :FI:Armitage
I hate il2 logs. So many ways to record events. I've updated the stats and I think I have addressed most concerns. Please have a look.

A quick question though. If you damage someone they flew away and the crash some time later. Is that a kill ? Currently I don't record as a kill but some parsers do(this does ... index.html) and others don't.

Whats the opinion ?

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 1:18 am
by :FI:Gadje
Pretty simple surely . You were shot, crashed later because of that.
Person who shot you did shoot you down.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 9:30 am
by :FI:Armitage
Ok i'll add that as well.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 2:31 pm
by Nephris
Nice work m8! Thx for that!
The results look reasonable to me.

Would it be possible to add
Human Air Kills? Means the opposite to Shot Down By Human

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Sat May 18, 2013 5:01 pm
by :FI:Nellip
Just checked the stats and they look more like it now.

I am getting a runtime error if I try and get into the individual stats but the summary numbers look right.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 12:12 am
by :FI:Armitage
I am getting a runtime error if I try and get into the individual stats but the summary numbers look right.
Thats fixed. I spent a good bit of time on this today and I think the numbers are now very good and match or more accurate than those on the stats that Nephris is using.
Pretty simple surely . You were shot, crashed later because of that.
Person who shot you did shoot you down.
You would think so but IL2 doesn't record the kills/damage in a consistent manner. I think I have it sorted now.

Gadje your stats now look correct and I have provided some brief detail on your kills. What do you think ? Would you start to use the FI Stat Tool ?
Would it be possible to add
Human Air Kills? Means the opposite to Shot Down By Human
I've broken out the Air kills into Air Kills(Human) which means human pilots that you have shot down and Air Kills(AI) which means AI pilots that you have shot down.

I really need some help on
A: What additional reports/detail you would like to see
B: Possible features
C: Layout/Useabaility

If anyone can help let me know.

Should we open a new thread for this stats tool or maybe we could create a new sub forum ?

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 8:12 am
by :FI:Nellip
I think you a nearly finished article now Eamonn, super job =D]

I have a few unknown objects that need tidying up, and the percentages for destroyed objects on the individual screen needs rounding down to a sensible number but those are the only issues I can see.

=D] ^:)

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 4:07 pm
by :FI:Armitage
I've fixed the display of the percentages.

I'm working on the unknown objects. There are 44 events with an object of unknown out of 2994 events in the database so very small but it would be good to resolve.

I'll let you know when its done.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 5:42 am
by :FI:Blue2
Eamonn, another ditto on the stats site - looking terrific! Thanks for all the great work brother. I like the simplicity also... not that I'd mind if more was added or anything. Just like that everything is straightforward & easy to follow (and in English :lol: ). I'm also OK with the style Nephris is using, but it's never clear to me exactly what all the sections mean, since Google translate doesn't help much. So, I'll be looking at yours mostly from now on probably, especially if all the info available on the other one is eventually on this one too. Will still have to check his site to see the map before various missions.... although I notice he has quite including that - it's been absent for the last several weekends.

One question: what is a "SL_ManualBlue?" Some kind of object obviously, just curious.

Think my personal stats are probably about right, but I've destroyed 3 or 4 bridges & those don't show up, so there's one suggestion to add. Must admit I was surprised to see that I've apparently killed a dozen red tanks. :( Must have happened in an early mission. Hmmm... well, I guess I just thought of another idea, but I'm thinking it would be too difficult. Not sure. How about being able to see what was destroyed in each mission on each date, both broken down by red/blue, and also broken down for each individual player? I'd be most interested in the red/blue breakdown by mission, from the start.
Anyway there's a couple o' thoughts for ya.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 6:54 am
by Nephris
SL_ManualBlue is a searchlight. I added em just in case for night missions, standing mostly next to anti air in towns or at airfields.

=D] on the stats. Streaks would be great ....and i fear terrific honestly....
Btw who ffs shot me 14 times? Thats a tough hit for me ego tbh :D

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 3:55 pm
by :FI:Armitage
as Nephris says thats a search light.
How about being able to see what was destroyed in each mission on each date, both broken down by red/blue, and also broken down for each individual player? I'd be most interested in the red/blue breakdown by mission, from the start.
Thats part of the reason I wrote the log parser in the first place. I'll have a breakdown of all the action per mission available in the next few days. Sort of like the way you see the teletype action of basketball/football games in american bars.

I can also break it down by total objects destroyed per mission per side. Its just finding time to write the display screens. I'll open source the stats web site so everyone can help!
especially if all the info available on the other one is eventually on this one too
That is the plan. Excuse the crappy layout. I want to get the data displayed and correct and once we are happy with the data I will work on improving the layout.

Btw who ffs shot me 14 times? Thats a tough hit for me ego tbh
I have the stats on that and will add it to the PlayerDetails page.
but I've destroyed 3 or 4 bridges & those don't show up,
as far as I can tell destroyed bridges don't appear in the log files (they don't appear to be on the stat tool that nephris uses either!)

If anyone knows please let me know.

Does anyone know how to contact the guys who write the HSFX mod ? I wonder could we get the log format changed to make it easier to parse ? (I'd help write the code)

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 8:37 pm
by :FI:Armitage
New version of the site is up.

You can now click on player/missions and you will be automatically taken to the relevant page/details.

Have a look and let me know what you think and what you want changed.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 1:35 am
by :FI:Blue2
Another nice improvement! Funcionality is great.
However something's still fouled up in terms of identifying ground targets destroyed. Not all the time, but some of the time for sure. Best example: look at results of first mission we flew on 5/12, when you and I spent a fair amount of time destroying 12 blue tanks and a supply column, all together on one stretch of road.

This attack began at 18:47:39 when I dropped AJ-2 cassettes on a column of PzIV's, and continued until I crashed at 19:03:59 and you destroyed the last tank at 19:08:11. During this window of time, the mission stats say I destroyed several T-28s, and don't show any of the trucks & vehicles in the Blue supply column at all. (The T-28 is the Russian tank with 3 turrets.) I still have the .NTRK recording of all this which clearly shows we were destroying only Blue vehicles & tanks.

So, this throws some doubt on the accuracy of some of our ground kill stats. I might go back & look at some other instances of "friendly fire" to see if they're wrong too (we know that some aren't - we've killed some of our own alright). Looking through the missions, if the ground kills were all accurate, then we'd certainly have ourselves to blame for Blue's success in taking ground! Shows we have killed quite a few of our own tanks right now. My guess it's a game problem & not something your parser did though.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 7:53 am
by :FI:Armitage
I'm fairly confident I have the correct objects but I will take your example of the 12th May mission and double check the ground targets recorded as destroyed.

Re: The ongoing JG42 war

Posted: Thu May 23, 2013 9:43 am
by :FI:Armitage
Shows we have killed quite a few of our own tanks right now. My guess it's a game problem & not something your parser did though.
Larry great catch.
I'm fairly confident

Nope its my fault. Its a misunderstanding on my part. When a column (cars,vehicles, troops etc) is involved in a mission I assumed (incorrectly) that all of the columns are listed in numerical order in the .mis file i.e. 1_chief, 2_chief,3_chief etc but in some of the mission files this is not the case and the 1_chief could be after 40_chief, 2_chieft after 100_chief etc.

This caused my parser to report a friendly ground object destroyed instead of an enemy ground object destroyed.
When I manually checked the file the destroyed ground object is GermanyCarsColumnE which matches what you saw in the recording of the mission.

I will try and have a look at this today and get the correct object reported. This won't impact the number of ground kills just the distribution between red/blue.

The parsing of log files is a large part of the online war generator tools. If there was interest from the FI we could extend the parser/stats site and allow for the creation of a War/Campaign like DCG or the FIBOW Desert War except this time we would have full control over the source code/engine and could make it do what we want. Thoughts/Ideas ?