as you might or might not know the common Germans celebrates every year the carnival time before the fasting period begins. They disguise themselves and go the annual carnival parades moving through the streets of the foolish cities like Cologne or Düsseldorf, et al. On these parades the carnival clubs usually show their floats presenting sometimes some very unique views on current political and social affairs and topics ...
No translation
"The surrendering she-wolf: reflate the market, car-scrap bonus and bank subsidiaries"
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"Reality & Stereotype"
No translation
"Grace of flourish (Nächstenhiebe) instead of Grace of charity (Nächstenliebe)"
"Obama the Redeemer"
"You can't kill satire!"
"Your Berlosconi is back again!"
"We do celebrate World Youth Day every day."
No translation
"Economical vs military strength"
"Idiotic Iraq politics"
All you've seen here is legal in Germany ... but just during the foolish carnival days before Ash Wednesday.
What do you think, chaps?