FI Skins by Peterla

Painters and skinners. Somewhere to show off skins and look for artistic inspiration.
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FI Skins by Peterla

Post by :FI:Blue2 » Wed Dec 23, 2015 5:47 am

Peterla is one of the gents I've met while participating in the "Friday Night Bomber Flights" events. He is also a talented skinner and has created a number of custom skins so far, for himself and for some of the other guys flying with us. He was kind enough to fashion a couple of summer-themed skins for me recently. He referenced our squad skins for some ideas (and the =FI= colors), combined that with his own artwork, and the results are really nice. So now thanks to he and Frank, I've got 'clothes' for any season (for the IL-2 and the LaGG-3 at least).

Here's a link (below) so you guys can have a look if interested. Thought some of you might appreciate them. You might even talk him into making one for you, though I can't guarantee it won't cost you a few rubles. ;) ... hop/page-2

P.S. You'll have to log in to the BOS forums before you can view the skins.
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