The progress is fantastic to see Snoop, well done! Already looks to be in better shape, both graphically and gameplay-wise, than many of the early access shooters on Steam for instance. Helo nailed it with the Descent comparison—I knew there was *some* game Hunternet reminded me of, but I couldn't p...
Love it, Vin! It's been a few months since I played ArmA 3. I'm back in college part-time so have my hands full with that and with work... but it would be great to get a few co-ops going again or team up on another server. There are no nights that suit me—or weekends for that matter—but I'm sure I c...
Congratulations Vin! Finally she's making an honest man of you. 'Tis a strange breed indeed who would marry someone after seeing them wearing a TrackIR. ...assuming the person in question was fully clad in addition to the Track IR of course. Because that'd be *some* fetish otherwise....................