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1 off session.

Posted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:15 pm
by :FI:Conman
Guys with the release of the Lancaster mod has given me inspiration for a 1 off set of team building coops. Aircraft available will be:

1x Avro Lancaster

the idea is to get us working together without the use of AI for operating the aircraft. The missions will be in HSFX so im not sure about who will host them but i think as a 1 off it will be a good way tho bring the squadron together and should be a laugh. The missions will be based on one of the Commando books so there will be pleanty of action ;)

Anyone got any thoughts, if i can get a host and some time ill start to make these. :D
if there is enough interest a second lanc can be added ;)

Slots would be:
Nose Gunner
Top Gunner
Tail Gunner

Re: 1 off session.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 3:07 am
by :FI:Rabitski
Here was me trying to make missions all these years with some sort of historical theme when all along I should have been making them based on the Commando book's, Duuu, What do you use Connor to cross reference your materiel? the Warlord and Battle Comics (before your time I'd say), Well I'm of to make ROF missions based on the Biggles books from now on :D . Just kidding with you Connor it was to good to pass up. ... tle_80.jpg ... 1853756164

Re: 1 off session.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:41 am
by :FI:Conman
More fun that way ;) and its the only reference I had for a plane in the middle of the desert 8) With no ground crews or the like :D

Re: 1 off session.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:48 am
by :FI:Scott
Even on an average sunday you will have too many players to fit into one Lanc. If you want to run a fun mission with it that would be easy to produce you might want to consider something along the lines of the TB3 dogfight. If you want authentic missions you are pretty limited by available loadouts atm. You could run a night bombing raid and bring in a Pathfinder group in front of the bombers, HSFX has mods in it for dropping flares (but you're Mossi pilots are going to have to be damn good) and put something in on the axis side in a nightfighter role.

We have done night missions before- Frank has put some together in the past but they are way way harder to fly. Also for this its including mods, something we have beaten half to death in the forums

Re: 1 off session.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 8:56 am
by :FI:Conman
i was thinking of maybe a HE session for this reason but i thought id present it as an open topic, the plan was for the single aircraft so that the crew could get used to working together rather that a free for all hence the point of the one aircraft.

Re: 1 off session.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 9:53 am
by :FI:Scott
So the rest of the squad who want to fly listens in on TS ?

Re: 1 off session.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:34 pm
by :FI:Rabitski
"Young un's" and their fancy idea's, the squad flying together as a cohesive unit how novel.

Would be cool if you could start off in the briefing hut then walk out to the bomber and all climb in. Some of ye would wake up late and miss the briefing, others would get there but fall asleep half way through, and spend the entire mission asking where there going; some would trip over the lawn chairs on the way to the bomber, one or two would take a wrong turn on leaving the briefing and end up in the mess or back in their hut's; the end result would be that the only one to make it to the bomber would be "Reginald" the Cocker Spaniel, who couldn't fly the plane due to his lack of opposable thumbs and his inability to get the Mod installed in the correct order :D

Re: 1 off session.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 4:29 pm
by :FI:Conman
:FI:Scott wrote:So the rest of the squad who want to fly listens in on TS ?
No Scott you took what I said the wrong way, as of the original post there could be another lanc or even some German aircraft about to make it more interesting but the point of the exercise was to get some of our pilots to start working together rather than everyone chasing kills if that makes sense. But like I say its just a suggestion.

Re: 1 off session.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 6:41 pm
by :FI:Rabitski
I do believe your missing the point Connor.
If your goal is to get the guy's to fly more as a squad or unit or what ever you fancy calling it, then couldn't that be (and has be done over and over again) in the bombers already in the game, how the advent of the Lanc is going to improve things is beyond me (apart from the fact that you've a hard on to fly it online obviously).
And from my limited time playing Il-2 I can tell you what I've learned. The guys who turn up for the Sunday sessions aren't all that into that stuff, they are there for the session itself, the joy of flying with team mates and all the crazy banter that goes on during the coop's and dogfight and all the rest.
You see I kinda lost track of that myself, I thought I could slowly but surely through various Coop's change the way the :FI: fly together, to make them a better fighting unit. Gadje told me I was out of my mind for even bothering, but being Irish I hung in there till the bitter end (and bitter it was). Unlike Mike and Gadje who saw the writing on the wall and got out. I hung in there until finally I crashed, and now I can't stand the game.

So lets back track a bit anyways there is another area of interest here for me . Say the squad need's this lesson in flying as a cohesive unit and all the rest who is going to teach them?, last I remembered the Lancaster's were not renowned for there instructional abilities.

Re: 1 off session.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 7:01 pm
by :FI:Falcon

Hey, sounds good. Have all the issues with the Lanc, whatever they were, been solved?

Whether Friday night or Sunday, I'll be there to ride along. I know we'll always be pressed to be good formation/wing man fliers, but it should be a lot like the TB-3 missions where we all MUST work together or ALL of us die. Doin' it in a Lanc oughta be just as fun or funner-er ... er.

So, who would like to host this mutha?


Re: 1 off session.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:58 pm
by :FI:Scott
No , if we look at

:FI:Conman wrote: Aircraft available will be:

1x Avro Lancaster

it looked rather clear to me.

Then of course there was:

if there is enough interest a second lanc can be added ;)

That changed A) above

So where did I go wrong in my last post, in your opinion ?

Re: 1 off session.

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 11:13 pm
by :FI:Conman
Im sorry Scott i had the post differently but I decided to change it my fault :?

I think this is probably best for HE as they still use mods.

Thanks for the opinions folks.

Re: 1 off session.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 9:37 am
by :FI:Scott
No problem with me Connor.