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ArmA 2 Helo Landing

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:50 am
by :FI:Sacktime
Been playing quite a bit of ArmA 2 since I got it, (Last Sunday). Anyways I was proud of this landing, I only used Auto Hover twice to get me stable and parked this Hind right on top of the Castle.

Flying a Hind isn't like flying in IL2, but there is just enough realism to make it a challenge to fly. Some of the gauges actually work too, I'm still trying to master the hover but with the auto hover, deploying troops into tight spots is a lot easier. This game sure has very good graphics or as the wife said, "Oh that's pretty".

=D] =D] =D]



Looking forward to joining in a game with all you mudders!

Oh and if you don't need a pilot, I've been tramping through the ArmA 2 Missions as well. Think I'm ready!

Re: ArmA 2 Helo Landing

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:38 pm
by :FI:Bluebell
We are usually earthbound unless to'ing and fro' ing from the action, but there are times when we need a good pilot wether hes in a helicopter or aeroplane, its a visual treat (and a comfort) to see someone attacking in an aircraft when your in the poo on the ground. I've made one mission were the pilot makes or breaks the task, might be fun to give it a whirl when a few of us are on.


Re: ArmA 2 Helo Landing

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:42 pm
by :FI:Moog
The Little Bird is like a flying lawnmower - in more ways than one!...


Re: ArmA 2 Helo Landing

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:08 pm
by :FI:Sacktime
That sounds great Ardmore, but although those shots are pretty, I wasn't being evasive, I wasn't constantly looking for the smoke tail sign of a incoming AA missile, and I wasn't trying to drop off troops in a tight and dodgy LZ. So I will be more than happy to get my boots dirty. If I remember you guys sometimes get together Friday evenings, well late afternoon for me.

"Heads up, guns up"

Re: ArmA 2 Helo Landing

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 10:09 pm
by :FI:Bluebell
Sometimes we play missions we made ourselves and then sometimes we play a game mode called Domination(which is handy for everyone as they can join during the game, plus it has respawn). The ones we make ourselves have no respawn and more difficult.
We will be on tomorrow, so if you can get on we'll put up a server and shoot some stuff.


Re: ArmA 2 Helo Landing

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 12:43 pm
by :FI:Alex
In last COOP we used helicopters for trasport APC not only personell.

APC was used for support infantry immideatelly after releasing it close to hot area.
You can see rearming APC at enemy artillery battery after it spend all ammo.

I like ARMA2 more and more. There is big advantages in compare with many other games that ARMA has opportunity to interaction between different kind forces (infantry, artillery, navy, air forces etc).
We can create coop missions which will have general line - mission will not can be comleted without help/interaction of each other. For example in case wounding we should to transport a soldier by heli (like in real) or at least to call medical hely for "healing to 100%" so it woild be interesting to remove player death - leave only heavy wounding, so he cant to take part in the action. We will drag him to safe place for heli landing and marked that place by color smoke others will cover.
There is millions of scenarios... we can point by laser some of targets for bombing - for recon group it will takes time to go close to target, find a good position etc etc.. also this group can suppress any AAA defence before air strike. Or infantry gruop can coordinate artillery strike.
I think general rule - remove any boots from our side ;)

Re: ArmA 2 Helo Landing

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 3:02 pm
by :FI:Bluebell
we can point by laser some of targets for bombing - for recon group it will takes time to go close to target, find a good position etc etc.. also this group can suppress any AAA defence before air strike.
I made a mission exactly like that.


Re: ArmA 2 Helo Landing

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 4:32 pm
by :FI:Alex
:FI:Ardmore wrote:I made a mission exactly like that.
I some time ago felt my mind is scaning but I didn't know this is you! :shock:

When we will be play it? Or I missed it?

Re: ArmA 2 Helo Landing

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 5:20 pm
by :FI:Bluebell
We have'nt played it yet, but hopefully soon.
