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COD4: Heat of Battle

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:58 pm
by sG|Seriousness
Hi Fighting Irish,

I'm Seriousness from the Scots Guards:

We play the COD modification Heat of Battle (HOB):

The Mod can be downloaded from Codboards (you will need to register, but it's free):

Already with the first Call of Duty the HOB mod was re-leashed, it's a modified Domination mode where the caps can only be made with more teammates. So team play is crucial and fight for the cap points will be intense.

As this is a real team play modification and this might be nice for you as well.

So far we as Scots Guards have never been beaten by any Clan so we're still looking for some more competition 8) .

Please join us on our HOB server, IP address:

You can add me also on X-fire (nickname ewb)

Cya around.
