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F16 Fighterstick Gone Pear-Shaped

Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 6:18 pm
by :FI:Murph
Hi guys- I already have sent in an email to CH about this but I thought I'd check in with the local experts; The X-Axis (left/right) of my Fighterstick USB has stopped responding as it should- very slow and sluggish, sometimes never returning to center (time for a little blue pill?). Y-Axis seems fine. Any ideas on what the cause could be?
I have no previous experience dealing with CH's tech support- has anyone here? Are they good about doing RMAs, etc.?

Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:05 am
by :FI:Bluebell
Hi Murph,

have you gone to the CH forums?, there are quite a few folk there that can help, as for the tech help, they have a good reputation for RMA.
Sorry I cant be of help with your problem it is'nt anything I'm familiar with.


Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 8:11 am
by :FI:Bluebell
Hi Murph,

have you gone to the CH forums?, there are quite a few folk there that can help, as for the tech help, they have a good reputation for RMA.
Sorry I cant be of help with your problem it is'nt anything I'm familiar with.


Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2007 10:58 am
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
The symptoms sound like a dirty pot on that axis; in which case a can of compressed air or switch cleaner ought to do the trick. (place some tissue around other parts, give a few good squirts into the pot and work the axis a few times.Check for improvement and repeat just to fully clean)

I guess you've already checked the calibration.

It's possible (if the switch cleaner does'nt work) that theres a partial break in one of the wires from the pot to the board. you can check this by gently moving the wire and looking for a response on the test/calibration window or in the following utility:- (and pray your good with a soldering iron)

Great utility for setting/checking Joystick settings.
Il2 JoyControl

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 12:53 am
by :FI:Murph
Thanks for the suggestions, mates! I spoke to Greg and he suggested I try loading a different profile and calibrating the stick from that profile- it seems to have worked! Apparently something in the profile gets corrupted?
I got ahold of someone in tech support at CH by email and he says he will send me an RMA # if I need it. The repair is free, I just would need to pay shipping. Sneaky, the stick is still under warranty and if I open the back and start messing around in there I'll void the warranty, so I think I'll leave it alone for now, though I do appreciate the suggestion.