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Dear God...

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:38 pm
by Honeypot
I sense a deep and troubled soul.

Might I suggest a litre of finest vodka and a couple of bottles of sleeping tablets.

... or perhaps you could just nip down to your local spiritual guidance/counsellor and seek a bit of advice.
...I have obviously offended you and your followers and for that I am truly sorry. It really wasn't my intention, although from your elevated view it must have seemed that way.

Although ridden with guilt, I am the disobedient type and will therefore probably not take your advice to commit suicide. I can take a hint, though, and will refrain from posting again (and you can remove this thread).

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:48 pm
by :FI:Falcon

You must understand that we a local people here


and you frightened some of us.

Usually, a new guest says hello first before asking our divine uber guru such pressing and deep questions.

There ARE ancient protocols and mystic procedures to be followed ya know?!

You're lucky you were just run off the property.

The last stranger that caused such a ruckus was shot!


Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:57 pm
by God
Apology accepted

It was perhaps not the most appropriate way of introducing yourself. You are welcome to carry on posting and seek membership should you wish, though please be aware of where you are posting and to the sensitivities of others who may read your words differently.

End of story