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Hello Fightin' Irish!

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 6:13 am
by :FI:Blue2
Decided it’s high time I applied to join up. My name’s Larry & I’m a native Texan, now in the Dallas area. I’ve already met some of the HI crew spending a few Friday nights with them (been a blast :) ).
I was born a huge WW2 aviation fan. My first sim was Lucasarts’ “Their Finest Hour / Battle of Britain.” These days I ONLY have the IL2 series loaded. I don't play it often, but HI has been great for getting’ my “fix!” As for other games, sure I like ‘em, but don’t play ‘em much. Can’t seem to figure out how to maintain a house, stay fit, work, chase women, etc., AND spend much time at the PC! So I just stick with my fav for now.
I am NOT a computer guy, but my drive to enjoy sims has forced me to learn enough to get by. I’m glad there are so many of you here that know your stuff – count on me hitting you up for advice & help!
Let’s see, I’m also a RL pilot (for fun, not work). I spent 8 terrific years in the USAF, which afforded me my first visit to lovely Ireland (brief stop at Shannon), along with visits in lots of other places & many other great experiences.
Less than 2 years ago I learned the scandalous truth about my family’s past, :shock: including the fact that I more than likely have a good bit o’ Irish blood coursing through my veins! May explain a few things. Anyway, now I figure I pretty much have to go there again, kiss the stone, etc.
What else. Wainscoting? No. Sheep? Yes, if cooked properly. Doesn’t taste like chicken. Music? Gaelic Storm works well in my CD player. Currently enjoying their newest: “Bring Your Wellies.” That ought to make for a start.

S! Blue2

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:57 am
by Kitty
Hello Blue2, welcome to the funnyfarm err I mean family. Have a seat and enjoy your drink.

It's early and I'm usually a bit slow when just waking up but what you mean with HI? Hello Infidels? Hasta ibieda? Heinz inspection? Heart Injection?

Uhm ... anyway, welcome.

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:36 am
by :FI:Sneaky_Russian
^:) :beer:

Glad to see you found your way here from HE

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 10:13 am
by Kitty
Ooowwww HE!

Okay, I know that one.

err ... Hystirical Environments!

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 12:25 pm
by AltarBoy
Hiya. Chase women? A man after me old heart. I chase 'em and they usually run in the other direction. :lol: Welcome to the FI. You eat sheep? That's ok as long as you don't kill 'em. :lol:

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:40 pm
by :FI:TacticalS!
What's HI Larry? Maybe you meant HE as in Historic Encounters, you know those sessions you have been joining for a while now on Friday nights where you fly WW2 planes. Ok still don't remember - the ones where your so-called wingmen like Noter still shoot you down. :shock: (Sorry Matthew ;) )

Well I don't know. Blue2 to is a very good virtual pilot (and I imagine real one too), able to dogfight and ground pound, very nice and polite, loves a good laugh, been a real plus to HI - I mean HE - since he showed up. Still there's something about the lad. :-k O let's give it a try I guess; I mean we let McBiggles join didn't we?


I'll try to give ya a proper Texas "hello"...

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 2:48 pm
by :FI:Snaphoo


Most of my family is from Texas, so I speak the language. Texas: it's like a whole other country. Good to see you've moved in from the Historical Encounters and decided to apply.



See you in the virtual skies Blue2!


Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:05 pm
by Badger

Hello & Welcome from the Woodland!

By the way; EVERYONE's of Irish descent so don't be surpirised! I believe it's even true that the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather of Genosse ran a pub just outside Limerick!

Re: I'll try to give ya a proper Texas "hello"...

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 3:12 pm
by :FI:Falcon
:FI:Snaphoo wrote:HowDEE!...
uhhh ...

I think that's



all those Texas wannabes, huh Blue?

Welcome officially to the :FE: forums pardner!


Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:17 pm
by :FI:Noter
Welcome Blue, I promise to try not to shoot you down anymore. Been great flyin' with ya, your tactical tips have been very nice.


Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 8:38 pm
by :FI:Genosse
TheMaskedBadger wrote:By the way; EVERYONE's of Irish descent so don't be surpirised! I believe it's even true that the great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather of Genosse ran a pub just outside Limerick!
Did he? Well, everything´s possible!!! :shock: :lol: :D

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:38 pm
by :FI:WillieOFS

Someone lives in DalLASS that plays IL2??? AND a rootin tootin AIr Force dood as well? :oops: FFS!!!

Oh BTW, I was a Navy Aviation Ordnance type in the SE Asia wargames. You remember, the one where we graciously conceded to a fifth world country to keep from gettin our arses kicked any worse. :oops:

My kid talks about it like it was what we remember as The War of Northern Aggression when I was a kid. ;) Darn kidz.... :roll:

We got the coon ass outnumbered now!! :lol: Better tighten up Falkky. ;)

I'm an old tube and rag flyer type that can't fly the REAL things anymore. :? I guess I need to get off my bum and get my coal fired, steam powered compootin machine goin again.

Whut part of Dallas? ( I hate all of it myself :lol: ) I'm on the W side of Fort Worth.

Evenin' Y'all, from your neighbor in Cowtown. ;)


Yep I know it.. I'm OLD!! :p

PS. Take my advice and do NOT kiss the stone. The lads have a quaint way of washing it when no one is looking. :badgrin: Whilst on 10 day pub crawl in Ireland a few years back. ( when you could still burn a fag in the pubs. :lol: ) We went to the castle and looked around and enjoyed the sights. It was a cold dreary December day and when asked if I wanted to "kiss the stone" I politely declined. Both the boyos laughed and said they didn't blame me. Later that night in one of the 2 pubs in town, a local asked if we'd kissed the stone. I replied in the negative and he busted out laughing and bought me a pint. He said it was nice to see at least one Texan that had some sense. ;) Then he went on to confirm my suspicions. It wasn't raining that day but around that stone was VERY wet. :shock: :badgrin:

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:42 pm
by :FI:Falcon

Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 9:57 pm
by napier
well howdy again blue2! :wink2: Have one on me! :beer:

Thanks for all the kind welcomes...

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:30 am
by :FI:Blue2
...and kind words from the HE bunch. By the way, HI = shorthand for "In-counters of the hisstoricol kind". (Guess that'll teach me to post after midnight! :lol: )
Nice to meet you Kitty, Altarboy, Badger, Genosse & Willie. Snaph think we spoke a little once at HE, but I'm often wrong so [just in case] nice meeting you too. Both my parents are from OK, btw.
So neighbor Willie, another crazy ammo troop, huh? Takes a special breed to play with high explosives all day (and especially at night). Thanks for your fine service over at Yankee Station. As for the outcome, it's hard to win when the coach makes you play with both arms tied in back.
I live in plain old Plano. Lived in FW back years ago, and strongly prefer it over big [headed] D. Were it not for family & income sources here, I'd choose a MUCH smaller locale for my mailbox.
About a week ago, a girl I know was telling us all about her visit to Blarney Castle. I haven't the heart to tell her your story! :lol: Thx for the warning. It figures.