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Interesting accident in Ireland this morning

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 11:45 pm
by Salahdin
I don't know if any of the irish boys heard about the weird incident this morning. A truck crashed on a bend in County Cavan, offloading its cargo of 6,500 hens in the process. They ran all over the main road and started laying eggs out of sheer fright when the traffic never stopped. Unfortunately, the mess created quite unpleasant driving conditions. I couldn't stop laughing when I heard about it. :lol:
Heres one of several reports:

Motorists in Co Cavan faced long delays this morning after 5,000 chickens made a break for freedom when the truck they were travelling in overturned.
The incident happened near a sharp bend on the N55 south of Ballinagh, Co Cavan, just before 7am.

The southbound lane of the road was blocked and motorists were urged to take extreme caution.

Some of the "live cargo" laid eggs on the road, causing the surface to be slippery. Drivers were also warned that the birds were both on the road and attempted to fly across it. The lorry was removed after two hours from the road and the driver is not thought to have been injured.

However, the chickens continued to cause difficulty as they dispersed into nearby fields. "The number of hens is expected to be in the region of 5,000 plus," Sgt Jim Green of Cavan Garda Station said.

"The live hens are currently encroaching onto the road causing a major hazard for motorists" said.

"Because of the nature of the live cargo they are spreading out and it is hard to control the scene . . . they could actually cause another serious accident," he added.

The company that owns the truck was asked to round up the chickens.

Commenting on the incident, Emma Caufield of AA Roadwatch said: "Over the last few years AA Roadwatch have had reports of loose horses, loose cows, loose sheep, a loose duck - we've even had a camel that escaped from a local circus spotted on the side of a main road."


Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 7:47 pm
by :FI:Fenian
Where else but Cyavan :lol:

They'll be out with their air rifles hunting for dinner :lol:

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:21 pm
by Finbar1
But I want to know...I really..............really want to know................................

why did the chickens cross the road.

Quick... call the narcoman...

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2005 9:41 pm
by :FI:Fenian
Someone has asked a questions!!!!

*Alarm Bells*


Nothing happening here... just keep taking your 'societal pills and be good boys...

Now... about those fluffy Iraqi bunnies.... whatever happened to them....

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 2:49 pm
by :FI:Snaphoo
I read in Reuters where they "scrambled" a "crack" team of "egg"-sperts to "egg"-zamine the situation and give an "egg"-splanation as to where things might have run a-"fowl".

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 3:29 pm
by :FI:WillieOFS

A poster on the wall at one of my old employer's office said, "SUPPORT THE BEEF INDUSTRY. RUN OVER A CHICKEN!!" We hauled cattle. ;)

Reminds me of a trip through Alamagordo, New Mexico one night back in the mid 70's. I was following an OLD buddy of mine off the mountain. My old pard had been driving trrucks since they had solid rubber wheels on 'em. He was a mess and crazier than a loon. His truck was an old, narrow nosed, 60 model Peterbuilt conventional, that would run like a striped assed ape. He had installed a big old hot rod, Caterpilar engine and pair of boxes (two trannies, one with 6 forwards and one with 4, this combo is called a 6 and 4. It gives you 24 forward gears, 4 reverses, and two way cool looking gear shift levers sticking out of the floorboard. I LOVE that combination BTW)

Unbeknown to us, the circus was in town. Alamagordo isn't much of town anyway, so the circus had their 2 camels grazing loose. To keep 'em from getting too far out of hand, they had them roped together with a long piece of fairly light steel cable around their necks.

The approach into town from the east is off a pretty steep hill. It's damned easy to get a big rig flyin off that mountain. It was late at night and we were "lettin 'em graze", an expression used to describe rollin on at a pretty easy rate. We weren't crammin on the brakes to hold 'em back. We were running about 60 or so when Jimmy saw the camels. One was on the right and one was on the left. THe cable was about bumper high on his old Pete. Jimmy hollered on the CB, "GOD DAMN WILLIE!! WATCH THIS!!" :shock: I saw the camels in his headlights as he hit the cable. :oops:

The two poor beasties lost their heads! The cable hung under his trailer and he went through town with one poor camel's head bouncing merrily along for about a mile before it departed his rig.

Jimmy was pretty janked up on pills that night and he decided that it would be in his best interest to ride on and let the poor carnies figure out what happened to the beasties on their own.

I wonder what the headlines for the local paper had to say about that deal. :badgrin:

Jimmy's been dead about 20 years now. He died doing what he knew and loved. They thought he must have had a heart attack but it was hard to tell. He pulled his old rig to the right, away from oncoming traffic and he center punched a bridge pillar. Wasn't much left of him or his beloved old Pete he fondly called "Old Ethel".

In 28 years of cross country trucking covering nearly 3 million miles, I saw a LOT of wierd things. Some real and some induced by an over indulgence in narcotics.. :roll: :lol:

Some day when I feel like typing more I'll tell ya about 12 meter racing yachts in the Texas panhandle.. :?


Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 4:56 pm
by :FI:Fenian

Great story Sir Willie!

Keep 'em coming ;)

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:45 am
by :FI:Dex

That image of the camel heads rollin will stay with me forever Will-meister..
