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The case against

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 10:19 pm
by :FI:Spitsfire
Hi guys theres a few techie guys out there... arent there?
:? ;)
anywho compact space for comp+ cheap case and PSU = ouch don't touch that bit stick with the plastic.... nice radiator though
Anywho its etting so hot its restarting the comp and warping the top of the case... which I figure is bad...
So I'm looking for a nice new case to go in teh hole o'course size is important
teh hole be H600 W220 D530 (mm)
budget is about £60 (felexy) ;)
oh and it has to have a PSU
I was looking at a few...
couple of cooler masters caught my eye
Image ... valier%203
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and an Arctic cooling
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and the Antec Sonata looks very nice
Image ... odID=15138

...any reconmendations? leaves me a wee bit overwhelmed... all of my previous cases have been "here you go son cost £20 new!" :lol:


Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 10:54 pm
by :FI:Gurberly
I have the Antec Sonata (from" onclick=";return false;)

My other case/setup was at the cheaper end and when buying this one noise was a prime consideration. The old PC is very noisy in comparison. Generally its the fans that make the most noise, and as the Sonata has 12 cm exhaust fan, it turns slower so less noise/vibration. I also bought an additional 12cm front fan to cool the hard disks. Comes with rubber grommets for mounting stuff... but they are dead cheap you can buy those seperately anyway.

Seems fairly well set up inside... lots of bays and fairly roomy. Sufficient power outlets to run two CD/DVD. two hard disks, additional fan and have a seperate power feed to the graphics card. Still have a couple of cables left over?

Front mounted bays are of the quick release type. There are a couple of usb under the silver hatch thingy.... also has an annoying blue (bright) light there... I cut the cable for that :)

It is quiet though... I can have it on and not relly hear it. Not sure how it compares to those others, but yeah... best case I have ever bought. Worth the extra ;)


Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:30 pm
by :FI:Spitsfire
thanks mate :)
for what its worth I dunno if you know how cool it keeps things do you? lol
in all my cases I've owned I don't think I've ever had a proper fan :lol:
So I guess any of them would keep it cool enough the specs are most likely lower than yours but in the confined space I think I'll need that front fan... yes?
ooo piccie see what I mean?...

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 7:35 am
by :FI:Gurberly
I duuno about how cool it keeps it. I have not had the overheating problems I had with the old system. The front fan sits betwwen the hard disk bays and the main cavity where the motherboard is; so it pulls air directly over the hard disks into the main area.

Large fans will move a bigger volume of air at a slower rotation speed than a smaller fan. It's the fans that make the most noise. For teh sake of about £12 I'd get the additional fan.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 4:39 pm
by :FI:Spitsfire
ok thanks mate :)