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Hello FI

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:43 am
by PsychClone
Hey fellas , I am ready willing and almost able to be a FI member . I have been searching for ages for a sqd/ group with the FI philosophy umm maybe philosophy is to strong of of a word , well then a sqd with a local pub kind of feel . Just to let you all know just how much I mean that, I will post my original resignation letter to my former squad below .


" I have decided to resign from the RPS.
I will give some explanation for those interested . I don't like a rank system for something that is recreational . It may seem necessary at times but I think with the right group of players a rank system isn't necessary . In fact if it is necessary I don't want to be part of that group . I would like to think that a group of adults could understand their own and others strengths and weaknesses enough to enjoy the game and be effective without pulling rank . This doesn't just go for the seniors pulling rank , it also goes for those of lesser rank who don't understand their own handicaps and need to have rank pulled on them . Both are equally troubling to me . In other words I would like to be a friend of a group that all understand what they are and are not capable of . I think open minded players who aren't stubborn and who listen and question can gel into a fighting group just as effective as a group with a rank system . Thats the type of group that I would like to be involved with . Should a member who puts more effort into the group have more authority ? Yes certainly but I would like to think that others in a group will understand his efforts and give him respect and take his advice and suggestion and not quibble about it . I would like my gaming experience to be like my local bar experience , I walk in, recognize my friends greet them and have fun, without some stupid drunk causing trouble who would needs rank pulled on him to get him in line . Without some guy telling me okay boys tonight we only drink Budweiser . Without being forced to take a whiskey shot just because everyone else does . Without stopping our fun to practice our story telling because some fool didn't take advice that his story telling skills were lousy and tonight we all need to practice story telling skills . In a group of guys that gel well everyone would understand their short comings and work on them without being forced to . At least they would take the advice of others and not need to have rank pulled on them . I personally always had a problem with using only American aircraft . I had no problem in not flying Spitfires in CFS3 because they were unique with their phony over modeling , however I did enjoy flying some of the German AC . I had stated before that I can not be patriotic about a piece of software based on a WAR sixty years ago . With enemies that are now allies . I am surrounded by Japanese and German products and have Mitsubishi TV advertisments with all American looking folks driving thier cars and I'm told I can not not fly a Mitsubishi Zero ? I am not going to fly one of these AC's if the modeling is accurate ? As I said before I don't think I am disrespecting any veteran by using one of the Axis AC , most living WW2 flyer's have met their former counterparts and have a common bond . I enjoy the machines and don't harbor in anger toward any living or dead WW2 Axis pilots . The leaders make the decisions the soldiers follow orders . I enjoy the match up of the different AC and who can use his the best . I also enjoy the team play but I am willing to lose this part of the fun if it means I have to fly in such a group. I would really only like to belong to a group of friends who all get along and dont do any silly saluting . I realize that this kind of group may never exist so I will just have to be a Merc . I certainly hope there are no bad feelings and I consider all of you fellas friends . I'm just simply not up for this type of squad thing anymore . Finally I will fly with the RPS to finish the NGNG tourneyment if you want me . I'm committed to that , its just that I want to reformat with XP pro and I don't plan on reinstalling cfs3 . If you contact me via ICQ /emial about a NGNG match within a 2 weeks or so I will be there . Otherwise I will assume NGNG is dead or you don't want/need me and do my reformat .
Thanks for everything and I hope you understand my feelings and that we can remain friends . "

Well I hope that will give you FI fellas some idea about me . My name is Bryan I live in Brooklyn USA, hence the name" PsychClone" the "Cyclones are Brooklyns baseball team named aftert the famous Coney Island roller coaster the Cyclone . Its more of a working mans team . I cant be a NY Yankees fan simple because I dont believe the team with the most money should win all the time . I have been at these combat sims for a few years CFS1,2 and 3 and about 3 or 4 months in FB/PF . I think I am fair and I have flown with SnoopBaron and a few other FI's . I have joined in on the FI coms/TS also . I hope you fellas dont mind me jumping on the FI TS when I manage to find a FI game up . A few of my former squad mates and myself are flying under the name AWOL "AWOL_PsychClone" so we can find each other on the HL . Snoop I dont think I will make the Wensday night game, going out for a a few pints after work with a pal who's getting married in a few weeks . One more thing, flying with guys from all over the world should be NP for me as I live and work with people from all over the world . Sorry for the huge post I 'm not a man of the pen and dont possess the skill to say a lot with few words .


Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:57 am
by :FI:WillieOFS
:? Awesome post..


D'ye like ta DRINK?? :lol:

Enjoyed flyin with ya on Sun. :D


Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:08 am
by South-Paw
Didn't you read the post Willy? He is going to the bar Wed. get smashed, and get smashed well. I'll be rooting for ya.

Oh and we are stubborn. Just try to get one of us to take a bath.

My first baseball game I ever went to was at Shae Stadium. I've been to Yankee as well.


I, for one...

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:37 am
by :FI:Heloego
...would be glad to have ye aboard, m8!

Enjoyed flying with/against ye Sunday and hope for more.

Your resignation letter was well thought out, carefully presented, eloquently executed, totally lacking in porno with circles and arrows and a description under each picture, but you made your point without being offensive. :)

Just one thing...

you didn't mention beer. ;) :beer:

Anyway, c'mon in and tip the lady. (The jiggle alone was worth it.) :D

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:39 am
by :FI:WillieOFS
:? ARRRGhhhh

I read the post and I KNEW he drank from his post..:p I was just
"axxin" if LIKED to drink so he wouldn't think we was twistin his arm.. :lol:

Sheesh!! these "collage" kidz.... :roll: ;)

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:10 am
by :FI:Falcon

very good post ...



Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:09 am
by :FI:Snaphoo

Be seeing ya out there!



Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:19 am
by PsychClone
Well I was a bar tender for about 5/6 yrs in NYC in three different bars ,two of those palces I would only drink in when the doors were locked . As for the third place well nobody goes there anymore because its to crowded . Thats another story, but I am very happy with my local neighborhood bars . I must admit I have stumbled onto a new beer that I am very fond of . New for me it is , named Bellhaven, its a nitrongenated beer like a Guinness slightly lighter in color and taste ..I'm getting old . Is a good thing to have a favorite beer you can only get on tap . Keeps you from drinking at home and gets you out of the house .


'Caaaauuuuse breaking up... is so... very hard to do

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 10:36 am
by :FI:Moog
Wow PsychClone I've just read your resignation letter...

Talk about forthright diplomacy!

Have you ever tried breaking up with a girlfriend like that? ;)

Seriously though, you've got the right attitude and I hope to see you online soon m8 ^:)

Play It Cool


PS: I used to play little league baseball for Ireland; when I was twelve we went on a short tour of New York and one memory I'll take to the grave is appearing on Diamondvision in Shea Stadium during a Mets/Marlins game doing a Beavis and Butthead impression! I have the photos to prove it. They're kept in an envelope marked 'Open in case of need to blackmail' :lol:


Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 12:04 pm
by :FI:Dutchman
Well Brooklyn Bryan,

Intresting mail,

i like that fair and honest...

I can use a bombing escort from a pilot with such a attitude...

welcome m8


Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 2:33 pm
by Sapper-FIN
former bar tender?

Sounds good (i used to be one, too)

Welcome aboard mate!

I dont like rank systems either.... it´s too army for me....

eh? :?

Wait a minute... well.... in games anyway


Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:32 pm
by Ianus
Waterproof laptops, thats what someone should invent! :D

Hi, Psychlone!

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 3:38 pm
by :FI:Genosse
Very interesting words you found there ... well, before I joined the FIS I also took a look at the different squad sites to find who they are and how they organize themselves ... as a German I never had a strong feeling to join one of the German squads ... I think it still has something to do with the fact that I don´t like to fly German A/Cs ... the high dash board in some machines are a real pain the a... erm ... eyes. Also the military structure most of them use was a thorn in my eye ... and certainly I still don´t wanna be an "Adi Galland" or any other ace (neither Axis nor Allies) from WWII ...

IL-2 is just a very well made flight simulation and I wanna enjoy it with people I like and I can trust on ...

That´s why I enjoy the stay in this wonderful community ... 8)

I hope you'll enjoy too, Bryan ... :)

hey there Psychlone!

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 4:38 pm
by L.F
welcome to the pub you`l never leave! :beer:

Posted: Wed Jan 05, 2005 7:16 pm
by :FI:Gurberly
What's RPS?