ESL IL-2: Sturmovik 2on2 Dogfight League

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ESL IL-2: Sturmovik 2on2 Dogfight League

Post by JGzbV_das_ecki » Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:07 am


In cooperation with Saitek your admin team presents you the ESL IL-2: Sturmovik 2on2 Opening Cup .

32 teams - each composed of 2 pilots - will prove their tactical skills and pilot abilities. The first 16 of 32 starting teams are privileged to sign on primarily to the IL-2 2on2 Dogfight League.

Have a look on the general and especially on the specific rules which describe the IL-2 Opening Cup and IL-2 2on2 Dogfight League course.

5 weeks after the expected start of the IL-2 Opening Cup (24.06.07) we are going to have the first 3 teams who will be rewarded with prizes by Saitek.

For question related to the course, rules etc. have a look on theESL page or the community page.

Sign-ups are already open and we wish all the participants good luck. We would also like to thank Saitek for the great prizes which they supplied us.


Good Luck
Admin Team
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Post by :FI:Mikester » Fri Jun 15, 2007 9:59 am

well, gonna give this a shot. Gadje I need you to sign up so I can enter our team into the league. Any problems let me know.
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Post by :FI:Genosse » Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:09 am

:FI:Mikester wrote:well, gonna give this a shot. Gadje I need you to sign up so I can enter our team into the league. Any problems let me know.
Well, I know this might sound funny to ye ... but count me in for this competition ...

:shock: :? :lol: ;)
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Post by JGzbV_das_ecki » Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:33 am

English guide

it is a guide for sign up and some other importan things! because the ESL Site is very complex
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Post by :FI:Mikester » Fri Jun 15, 2007 2:06 pm

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Post by :FI:Mikester » Fri Jun 15, 2007 2:11 pm

only joking Gen ;) I think that's great. I will have to read over the documents but i think i can make sub teames so maybe me and Gadje would be a team and you and another pilot would be a team. infact ill just paste the registration readme here.

1.1 ESL
Every pilot creates a user at" onclick=";return false;.
A pilot then creates a team (Squadron) to which all belonging pilots will be admitted.
This team is not supposed to participate in the league or register there respectivly.

The squadron leaders create sub-teams(i.e. JG444 I.Wing,JG444 II.Wing or I./JG444 and II./JG444) from the squadrons roster (i.e. JG444)
Those sub-teams (Rotten/wings) are to register individually to the league.

If mistakes have already been made the existing teams can be deleted and recreated using the procedure above.

1.2 Community Page
The website" onclick=";return false; is used for the following:

server management by entering matches into a calendar.
Aircraft selection
Creating a user-password for the login onto the servers
German Forum (English and Russian coming soon)

Please use your complete nickname to login (i.e. JG444_Nick)
Enter your Squadron and Wing (the one you registered to the ESL IL2 League) into the corresponding fields.

2. Events

Appointments for matches are to be arranged by you!
The only requirement is to participate in 23 matches (League) / max. 5 matches (qualifying) over a period of 15 weeks.

Arrangements can be made by using the ESL forums, Squadron forums, Community page
Entering a date for a match on the ESL website will validate the match.

Additionally a League server has to be booked (" onclick=";return false; )
In the main menu/match making click on -> Add Match
Enter opponent and date and confirm.

The aircraft enquiry will follow.
You will be shown 5 aircraft. Please discard 2 from the list.

After your opponent has confirmed the match he will discard 2 more aircraft.
The only remaining aircraft will be flown by both teams!

Please negotiate which team flies the colour Red or Blue.!

3.The planeset

1 A6M-21 1
2 BF109-E4 2
3 BF109-F4 2
4 BF109-G6/AS 2
5 BF109-K4/C3 2
6 F6F-5 3
7 FW190-A4 4
8 FW190-A9 4
9 FW190-D9 4
10 Hurrican IIb 5
11 I-16-24 6
12 KI-61 Ko 7
13 KI-84b 8
14 LA5-FN 9
15 LAGG3-66 10
16 Macci 205 11
17 MiG3-U 12
18 P-38J 13
19 P-38L_Late 13
20 P-39N-1 14
21 P-39Q-10 14
22 P-40M 15
23 P-47D-27 16
24 P-51B 17
25 P-51D-5NT 17
26 Spitfire Mk Vb 18
27 Spitfire Mk Vb(CW) 18
28 Spitfire Mk IXc 18
29 Spitfire Mk IXc(CW) 18
30 Tempest Mk V 19
31 J8A 20
32 F4U-1D 21

The aircraft listed above are in the database.
The number behind the aircraft name indicates the group.
A group consists of all aircraft of the same type (i.e. BF109F4, Bf-109G6/AS)
A script randomly selects 5 aircraft from this list whereas multiple aircraft of the same type will never appear in one set (5 aircraft).

Concerning the planeset:

Rockets, Jets and UFO's were deliberately left out!

We tried to create a varied, relatively small pool by picking mostly well known, regularly flown aircraft types with significantly different flying characteristics.

Before you make a request for a new aircraft, consider the following:
The larger the planeset, the less frequent the popular planes will be selectable.

4.Carrying out a Match

Match entry on the ESL website? Check!
Server booked and aircraft selected? Check!

Both teams connect to the server or according to their booking.
The Log-in to the server is done ADW-Style (<logon<yourpassword> Repetition of the Round
Should the last remaining 2 planes crash less then 2 seconds apart -> Repetition of the Round

Please stick to the 20 minutes time limit for each round and avoid to lengthen the fight with unnecessary dawdle.
After 20min winning conditions:

One team lost all planes = round lost
One Team lost one plane = round defeat by score
both teams with each one plane flying = Repetition of the Round
both teams complete flying = Repetition of the Round

Likewise, remember to record a track of each round. This is mandatory and admins may request to see these tracks
in cases of doubt.
Only one take-off accidents are allowed each round for both teams. After that a round counts as lost.
Accidents within taxiing to the startpositions will not be avenged.

5.After the Match

Now it is time to enter the results.
On the ESL website, please do not enter the number of rounds won, but 1:0 if you have won or 0:1 if you lost.

Scores in the IL2 League:
A victory will be rewarded with 1 point. The looser gets nothing :)

6. Conflicts & Admins

If whining and brawling should occur (Unfairness, Cheater, time limit etc.) the Admins decide in all conscience
which is the appropriate line of action.

suspicion of cheats:
the adminteam analyses all logs and tracks.
Affirmed suspicios ->kick
unconfirmed suspicios -> teams wo accuse wrongfully furthermore will be warned unless kicked!

Got track? No?! Bad for you - decision in favour of your opponent!
Otherwise, we still have the server logs and the sharp wits of a fighter pilot, at least most of us do :P

Thats it!
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Post by :FI:Mikester » Fri Jun 15, 2007 2:29 pm

I put my nick name as FI:Mikester it doesn't let you do the = or :FI: so whoever else is joining should prob keep it the same.
Once you have registered go to:

"command centre" located on the left hand side

then select "join team"

The FI team id is 2542597, the joining password is the usual FI coop/dogfight password.
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Post by :FI:Genosse » Fri Jun 15, 2007 4:02 pm

:FI:Mikester wrote:I put my nick name as FI:Mikester it doesn't let you do the = or :FI: so whoever else is joining should prob keep it the same.
Once you have registered go to:

"command centre" located on the left hand side

then select "join team"

The FI team id is 2542597, the joining password is the usual FI coop/dogfight password.
It´s been done ... registered and already waiting for my new wingman! ^:)
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Post by :FI:Heloego » Sat Jun 16, 2007 1:19 am

...but I'm certainly not good enough to participate! :cry:

However, for those who do... ^:) :beer: ^:) :beer: ^:) ^:) ^:) :beer: :beg:

Best of luck!!!!!!
...and wear your feckin' mask!!!!! :x
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Post by :FI:Gadje » Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:42 pm

1 A6M-21 1 OK
2 BF109-E4 2 OK
3 BF109-F4 2 GOOD
4 BF109-G6/AS 2 OK
5 BF109-K4/C3 2 OK
6 F6F-5 3 GOOD
7 FW190-A4 4 OK
8 FW190-A9 4 SHED
9 FW190-D9 4 OK
10 Hurrican IIb 5 GOOD
11 I-16-24 6 SHED
12 KI-61 Ko 7 GOOD
13 KI-84b 8 OK
14 LA5-FN 9 SHED
15 LAGG3-66 10 OK
16 Macci 205 11 SHED
17 MiG3-U 12 GOOD
18 P-38J 13 SHED
19 P-38L_Late 13 OK
20 P-39N-1 14 OK
21 P-39Q-10 14 OK
22 P-40M 15 GOOD
23 P-47D-27 16 OK
24 P-51B 17 OK
25 P-51D-5NT 17 SHED 26 Spitfire Mk Vb 18 ALL SPITS GOOD
27 Spitfire Mk Vb(CW) 18
28 Spitfire Mk IXc 18
29 Spitfire Mk IXc(CW) 18
30 Tempest Mk V 19 OK
31 J8A 20 OK
32 F4U-1D 21 OK

My Own feelings about the above as in how good or not I am in them.

If your list is different Mikester maybe we could look at the differences and practice.

First match is against Axis squad so we should probally fly allied if we can unless maybe F4.

The fact we tend to fly both axis and allied might help us choose the opposite to the squads we face ........If we win the first one :D
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Post by :FI:Falcon » Wed Jun 20, 2007 5:54 pm

Good luck men,


we're all countin' on you.

Last edited by :FI:Falcon on Wed Jun 20, 2007 8:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"He who warned, uh, the British that they weren't gonna be takin' away our arms, uh, by ringing those bells, and um, makin' sure as he's riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be sure and we were going to be free, and we were going to be armed."
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Post by Skipper » Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:21 pm

"Surely you can't be serious!?"

"I am....and stop calling me Shirley"

I love that film :D :lol:
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Post by :FI:Mikester » Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:28 pm


I paged you a message in HL about this 2v2 league could you have a look and speak to me on TS tonight if poss? Slight prob!
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Post by :FI:Gadje » Sat Jun 30, 2007 12:50 pm

In any cup competition its important to have the right team 8)


Next up the Russians 8-[

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The Dude and Walter did it!

Post by :FI:Genosse » Sat Jun 30, 2007 2:16 pm

Conrgrats to the win of yestday´s match, Mike and Graham! \:D/ =D]

Now go and kick some Russian butts! :D ^:)
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