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Am I invisible

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 8:53 am
by :FI:Airway
Dear uncle,
it seems that I am invisible.

Noone takes notice of me or replies when I write something in the forums.

That makes me feel I'm invisible or my english is so bad, that noone understands me.

So, what do you recommend me to do?



Re: Am I invisible

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 9:56 am
by :FI:Scott

With this bunch of Jokers if a post was ever going to be deliberately ignored it was this one !!!!. I reply to probably 10% of the posts I read, but I've still read them.

There are all sorts of reasons why your posts aren't answered. Some of the boys are naturally reserved- like Stu for instance, some have trouble writing (or forgot how to) others would reply but forget .....or can't be bothered. Do not panic, it isn't personal.

Re: Am I invisible

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:27 am
by :FI:Genosse
Hey, Marco!

Don´t be sad or even depressed about it. As an egoistic and vain squirt I love to read my own postings only and I´ve real problems to fight my dyslexic and lethargic behaviour since I´m a lazy bugger. So don´t take any offence if I should answer any posting in general and/or especially yours.

I´m simply lame ... that´s all! :lol: ;)


Re: Am I invisible

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:31 am
by Jabout
This sort of reminds me of when I was a kid at Christmas.

All the cousins, since we lived in a big house at the time, from both sides of the family would come over to our house.

After Christmas lunch we would play "Sardines"

All the lights were turned off and the big old house was in total darkness.

One person would go off and hide, then the rest would search for them.

If you found the person hiding, you hid with them.

Eventually you would end up with 14 people hiding in a bath or crammed in a cupboard and just one person left who hadn't found the others stumbling around in the dark.

One time the last person was an aunt, and she kept calling out for the rest of us, but although there was a lot sniggering and giggling no one answered.

Eventually when no one answered her calls, the aunt began to cry.

It was so funny us kids became hysterical and the adults wept with suppressed laughter.

As the Romans used to say; laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone.

Re: Am I invisible

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 12:37 pm
by :FI:Airway
:FI:Scott wrote:Airway,

With this bunch of Jokers if a post was ever going to be deliberately ignored it was this one !!!!. I reply to probably 10% of the posts I read, but I've still read them.

There are all sorts of reasons why your posts aren't answered. Some of the boys are naturally reserved- like Stu for instance, some have trouble writing (or forgot how to) others would reply but forget .....or can't be bothered. Do not panic, it isn't personal.
Thank you, Scott.
But in that case it could be taken offensive when I'm posting so much or one can think I'm flooding the forum.
That's not my aim. Just bringing little bit of life into the forum.

Also I invite everybody to correct me if I write, say or spell something wrong.

Otherwise I can't improve my english, but that's one thing I want to do :)

So it would be nice to give me a hint when I make some errors - might not be while we're flying or so but there are several other ways to do so.
Thank you ! :sheep:

Re: Am I invisible

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 4:17 pm
by :FI:Falcon
Yeah Marco,

you post way, way, waaaaay too much. You should control your posting and keep it down to ... well ... let's say below 7000. Anything above 7000 posts is just making an ass of yourself.

About your Englische Grammatik ...

even though I might not sound like I know much grammar on TS, I do. Relative to others in the ol' =FI= you don't need to worry. It's fine. If you want us to get picky and tell you about all the split infinitives, misplaced prepositions, incorrect verb agreements and intrandigent vilipoquitices, then you're gonna need to pay me by the hour.

Correct English is going the way of digital mantels and the wind-up cat.

Oh, I graded your last three posts. You made a 72%. Please see me after class.


Re: Am I invisible

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:12 pm
by :FI:Airway
Many thank.

Then it is yes very good.
I a lot worry..ied about my th so many.

72 per cent is too much. I see you behind the class.

:? :lol:

Re: Am I invisible

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:25 am
by :FI:WillieOFS
Yes I graded your posts and came up with a 72% as well.

I graded Falcon's and came up with a 98% coon arse/cajunaise and 43% Englese`.....

I graded my own, and of course, I failed miserably. :oops:

So, carry on!! (and try to keep the post count under 10K).. :roll: #-o :D

Seriously speaking, your command of this silly English language is VERY good. ^:|

Re: Am I invisible

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 4:31 pm
by :FI:Rabitski
It's a fine line Marco, One can post to much or to little. Some people post every time they have a fart, others never, some have something off interest to say while again others just think they do, and also you have those who live their life's varcariously of other people threads, posting things that have no bearing at all on the topic they just like to hear themselves talk I guess; this problem is then compounded by others responding and before you know it every topic is full off crap, and people stop reading the forum's.
I may self read your posts, but seen as they don't normally have a bearing on me directly I don't reply, so that I don't bung up your thread. When they do I will reply in a prompt fashion.
Maybe you could put up a post about making the squadron section of the forum for active members only, that one attracts replies like no body's business :D

Re: Am I invisible

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 6:28 pm
by :FI:Gurberly
:FI:Rabitski wrote: Some people post every time they have a fart....
Me says Rabitski should eat more beans :lol:

That said.... when he does post, it is normally worth reading ;)


Re: Am I invisible

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:07 pm
by :FI:Falcon

I just farted!!!

Gaaaaaaw, you should have been there; woke up the neighbor's shed and peeled the paint off our cat!



Re: Am I invisible

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 7:15 pm
by :FI:Heloego
Actually, you're closer to 50% opaque, but if I squint just a little I can see your posts better. One of the downsides of getting older. :lol:

Back in the day I used to spend 1/2 my free time on the Forums and the other half flying and eating, with short breaks to sh*t, shave and shower.
Work/Wife/Yard have prevented me from doing that anymore (the Flying/Forums part! ), so I get on and/or fly when I can.

To paraphrase Rabitsky, many of us have tempered our innate need to post, and now wait until the post or reply affect us directly (for better or worse) and actually have something to contribute before adding a reply to avoid cluttering the post or driving it so far off track it becomes useless for its original and intended purpose.

It's VERY rare that any of us would deliberately snub any individual, so rest easy my friend. It would take a conscious effort on your part to alienate us. Check some of the older threads and you'll see what I mean.

And I'm quite certain that even though Stu's language skills are at 141% ( 98% + 43% ) we still tolerate him...farts or no farts...quantity and/or quality notwithstanding. ;)

Incidentally, you made an error in Paragraph Three, Sentence Nine, Word Six, Letter 12. it should have been Capitalised, Bold, and Italicised (Darn those Italians!). ;)

...Well, you did ask for help. Glad I could accomodate. :D

Re: Am I invisible

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:25 pm
by :FI:Airway

Oh noooo!

So many new words :(

What does all that mean?

squint, paraphrase, innate, deliberately snub, conscious, something, Stu's, notwithstanding, accomodate


But in all other terms you are right and I don't have any evidence to the contrary 8)
